Lorraine Reitzel
Title | Associate Professor |
Institution | University of Houston |
Department | PHLS |
Address | 4800 Calhoun Rd Houston TX 77004
Phone | 713-743-6679 |
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Research K01DP001120 (REITZEL, LORRAINE R.)Aug 31, 2007 - Jan 31, 2011 CDC/NCCDPHP The Effects of Neighborhood Characteristics on Smoking Cessation Role: Principal Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Zvolensky MJ, Paulus DJ, Bakhshaie J, Garza M, Manning K, Lemaire C, Reitzel LR, Smith LJ, Ochoa-Perez M. Anxiety Sensitivity and Age: Roles in Understanding Subjective Social Status among Low Income Adult Latinos in Primary Care. J Immigr Minor Health. 2017 Jul 05. PMID: 28681307.
Correa-Fernández V, Wilson WT, Shedrick DA, Kyburz B, L Samaha H, Stacey T, Williams T, Lam CY, Reitzel LR. Implementation of a tobacco-free workplace program at a local mental health authority. Transl Behav Med. 2017 Jun; 7(2):204-211. PMID: 28397160.
Smith NG, Winderman K, King B, Obasi EM, Reitzel LR. The association of lesbian, gay, and bisexual identity facets with smoking dependence motives. Nicotine Tob Res. 2017 Mar 09. PMID: 28340125.
Samaha HL, Correa-Fernández V, Lam C, Wilson WT, Kyburz B, Stacey T, Williams T, Reitzel LR. Addressing Tobacco Use Among Consumers and Staff at Behavioral Health Treatment Facilities Through Comprehensive Workplace Programming. Health Promot Pract. 2017 Jul; 18(4):561-570. PMID: 28629277.
Nguyen NT, Savoy EJ, Reitzel LR, Nguyen MH, Wetter DW, Reese-Smith J, McNeill LH. Diet, Alcohol Use, and Colorectal Cancer Screening among Black Church-goers. Health Behav Policy Rev. 2017 Mar; 4(2):118-128. PMID: 28798944.
Robles Z, Anjum S, Garey L, Kauffman BY, Rodríguez-Cano R, Langdon KJ, Neighbors C, Reitzel LR, Zvolensky MJ. Financial strain and cognitive-based smoking processes: The explanatory role of depressive symptoms among adult daily smokers. Addict Behav. 2017 Jul; 70:18-22. PMID: 28161618.
Maness SB, Reitzel LR, Watkins KL, McNeill LH. HPV Awareness, Knowledge and Vaccination Attitudes among Church-going African-American Women. Am J Health Behav. 2016 Nov; 40(6):771-778. PMID: 27779945.
Correa-Fernández V, Díaz-Toro EC, Reitzel LR, Guo L, Chen M, Li Y, Calo WA, Shih YT, Wetter DW. Combined treatment for at-risk drinking and smoking cessation among Puerto Ricans: A randomized clinical trial. Addict Behav. 2017 Feb; 65:185-192. PMID: 27825036.
Wrighting Q, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, LeBlanc H, Reitzel LR. Cigarette Purchasing Patterns, Readiness to Quit, and Quit Attempts Among Homeless Smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 Sep 09. PMID: 27613948.
Vidrine JI, Spears CA, Heppner WL, Reitzel LR, Marcus MT, Cinciripini PM, Waters AJ, Li Y, Nguyen NT, Cao Y, Tindle HA, Fine M, Safranek LV, Wetter DW. Efficacy of mindfulness-based addiction treatment (MBAT) for smoking cessation and lapse recovery: A randomized clinical trial. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2016 Sep; 84(9):824-838. PMID: 27213492.
Reitzel LR, Smith NG, Obasi EM, Forney M, Leventhal AM. Perceived distress tolerance accounts for the covariance between discrimination experiences and anxiety symptoms among sexual minority adults. J Anxiety Disord. 2017 May; 48:22-27. PMID: 27475254.
Taylor EM, Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR, Businelle MS. Health Risk Factors and Desire to Change among Homeless Adults. Am J Health Behav. 2016 Jul; 40(4):455-60. PMID: 27338992.
Heppner WL, Spears CA, Correa-Fernández V, Castro Y, Li Y, Guo B, Reitzel LR, Vidrine JI, Mazas CA, Cofta-Woerpel L, Cinciripini PM, Ahluwalia JS, Wetter DW. Dispositional Mindfulness Predicts Enhanced Smoking Cessation and Smoking Lapse Recovery. Ann Behav Med. 2016 Jun; 50(3):337-47. PMID: 26743533; PMCID: PMC4867253 [Available on 06/01/17].
Mama SK, Li Y, Basen-Engquist K, Lee RE, Thompson D, Wetter DW, Nguyen NT, Reitzel LR, McNeill LH. Psychosocial Mechanisms Linking the Social Environment to Mental Health in African Americans. PLoS One. 2016; 11(4):e0154035. PMID: 27119366; PMCID: PMC4847864.
Garey L, Bakhshaie J, Vujanovic AA, Reitzel LR, Schmidt NB, Zvolensky MJ. Posttraumatic stress symptom severity and cognitive-based smoking processes among trauma-exposed treatment-seeking smokers: The role of perceived stress. Addict Behav. 2016 Sep; 60:84-9. PMID: 27100473; PMCID: PMC4884455 [Available on 09/01/17].
Kirchner TR, Anesetti-Rothermel A, Bennett M, Gao H, Carlos H, Scheuermann TS, Reitzel LR, Ahluwalia JS. Tobacco outlet density and converted versus native non-daily cigarette use in a national US sample. Tob Control. 2017 Jan; 26(1):85-91. PMID: 26969172.
Reitzel LR, Childress SD, Obasi EM, Garey L, Vidrine DJ, McNeill LH, Zvolensky MJ. Interactive Effects of Anxiety Sensitivity and Subjective Social Status on Psychological Symptomatology in Black Adults. Behav Med. 2017 Oct-Dec; 43(4):268-276. PMID: 26963636.
Reitzel LR, Okamoto H, Hernandez DC, Regan SD, McNeill LH, Obasi EM. The Built Food Environment and Dietary Intake among African-American Adults. Am J Health Behav. 2016 Jan; 40(1):3-11. PMID: 26685808; PMCID: PMC4737477 [Available on 01/01/17].
Farris SG, DiBello AM, Heggeness LF, Reitzel LR, Vidrine DJ, Schmidt NB, Zvolensky MJ. Sustained smoking abstinence is associated with reductions in smoking-specific experiential avoidance among treatment-seeking smokers. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2016 Jun; 51:51-7. PMID: 26773342; PMCID: PMC4755816 [Available on 06/01/17].
Garey L, Reitzel LR, Kendzor DE, Businelle MS. The Potential Explanatory Role of Perceived Stress in Associations Between Subjective Social Status and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Homeless Smokers. Behav Modif. 2016 Jan; 40(1-2):303-24. PMID: 26530474.
Bello MS, Pang RD, Cropsey KL, Zvolensky MJ, Reitzel LR, Huh J, Leventhal AM. Tobacco Withdrawal Amongst African American, Hispanic, and White Smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2016 Jun; 18(6):1479-87. PMID: 26482061.
Okuyemi KS, Reitzel LR, Fagan P. Interventions to Reduce Tobacco-Related Health Disparities. Nicotine Tob Res. 2015 Aug; 17(8):887-91. PMID: 26180213; PMCID: PMC4502764.
Childress S, Reitzel LR, Maria DS, Kendzor DE, Moisiuc A, Businelle MS. Mental illness and substance use problems in relation to homelessness onset. Am J Health Behav. 2015 Jul; 39(4):549-55. PMID: 26018103.
Nguyen MA, Reitzel LR, Kendzor DE, Businelle MS. Perceived cessation treatment effectiveness, medication preferences, and barriers to quitting among light and moderate/heavy homeless smokers. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015 Aug 01; 153:341-5. PMID: 26072221.
Reitzel LR, Langdon KJ, Nguyen NT, Zvolensky MJ. Financial strain and smoking cessation among men and women within a self-guided quit attempt. Addict Behav. 2015 Aug; 47:66-9. PMID: 25879712; PMCID: PMC4417440.
Garey L, Reitzel LR, Bakhshaie J, Kendzor DE, Zvolensky MJ, Businelle MS. Subjective social status and readiness to quit among homeless smokers. Am J Health Behav. 2015 Mar; 39(2):157-66. PMID: 25564827.
Watkins KL, Reitzel LR, Wetter DW, McNeill LH. HPV awareness, knowledge and attitudes among older African-American women. Am J Health Behav. 2015 Mar; 39(2):205-11. PMID: 25564833; PMCID: PMC5038912.
Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR, Businelle MS. Characterizing Stressors and Modifiable Health Risk Factors Among Homeless Smokers: An Exploratory Pilot Study. Health Educ Behav. 2015 Oct; 42(5):642-7. PMID: 25616410.
Moisiuc A, Reitzel LR, Kendzor DE, Childress S, Businelle MS. Determinants of social status among homeless adults. Am J Health Behav. 2015 Jan; 39(1):148-56. PMID: 25290607.
Chang HL, Fisher FD, Reitzel LR, Kendzor DE, Nguyen MA, Businelle MS. Subjective sleep inadequacy and self-rated health among homeless adults. Am J Health Behav. 2015 Jan; 39(1):14-21. PMID: 25290593.
Scheuermann TS, Nollen NL, Cox LS, Reitzel LR, Berg CJ, Guo H, Resnicow K, Ahluwalia JS. Smoking dependence across the levels of cigarette smoking in a multiethnic sample. Addict Behav. 2015 Apr; 43:1-6. PMID: 25498030; PMCID: PMC4305016.
Kish DH, Reitzel LR, Kendzor DE, Okamoto H, Businelle MS. Characterizing Concurrent Tobacco Product Use Among Homeless Cigarette Smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2015 Sep; 17(9):1156-60. PMID: 25358660.
Businelle MS, Poonawalla IB, Kendzor DE, Rios DM, Cuate EL, Savoy EJ, Ma P, Baggett TP, Reingle J, Reitzel LR. Smoking policy change at a homeless shelter: attitudes and effects. Addict Behav. 2015 Jan; 40:51-6. PMID: 25222848.
Reitzel LR, Kendzor DE, Cao Y, Businelle MS. Subjective social status predicts quit-day abstinence among homeless smokers. Am J Health Promot. 2014 Sep-Oct; 29(1):43-5. PMID: 25170885.
Reitzel LR, Nguyen N, Eischen S, Thomas J, Okuyemi KS. Is smoking cessation associated with worse comorbid substance use outcomes among homeless adults? Addiction. 2014 Dec; 109(12):2098-104. PMID: 25041459; PMCID: PMC4229393.
Fisher FD, Reitzel LR, Nguyen N, Savoy EJ, Advani PS, Cuevas AG, Vidrine JI, Wetter DW, McNeill LH. Loneliness and self-rated health among church-attending African Americans. Am J Health Behav. 2014 Jul; 38(4):481-91. PMID: 24636110; PMCID: PMC4762012.
Reitzel LR, Leventhal AM. Socioeconomic status and the reward value of smoking following tobacco abstinence: a laboratory study. Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Nov; 16(11):1455-62. PMID: 24935756; PMCID: PMC4271089.
Businelle MS, Ma P, Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR, Chen M, Lam CY, Bernstein I, Wetter DW. Predicting quit attempts among homeless smokers seeking cessation treatment: an ecological momentary assessment study. Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Oct; 16(10):1371-8. PMID: 24893602; PMCID: PMC4207873.
Savoy E, Reitzel LR, Scheuermann TS, Agarwal M, Mathur C, Choi WS, Ahluwalia JS. Risk perception and intention to quit among a tri-ethnic sample of nondaily, light daily, and moderate/heavy daily smokers. Addict Behav. 2014 Oct; 39(10):1398-403. PMID: 24926907; PMCID: PMC4100476.
Savoy EJ, Reitzel LR, Nguyen N, Advani PS, Fisher FD, Wetter DW, Cuevas AG, McNeill LH. Financial strain and self-rated health among Black adults. Am J Health Behav. 2014 May; 38(3):340-50. PMID: 24636030; PMCID: PMC4365899.
Advani PS, Reitzel LR, Nguyen NT, Fisher FD, Savoy EJ, Cuevas AG, Wetter DW, McNeill LH. Financial strain and cancer risk behaviors among African Americans. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2014 Jun; 23(6):967-75. PMID: 24740200; PMCID: PMC4047153.
Stewart DW, Reitzel LR, Correa-Fernández V, Cano MÁ, Adams CE, Cao Y, Li Y, Waters AJ, Wetter DW, Vidrine JI. Social support mediates the association of health literacy and depression among racially/ethnically diverse smokers with low socioeconomic status. J Behav Med. 2014 Dec; 37(6):1169-79. PMID: 25391450; PMCID: PMC4231826.
Reitzel LR, Kendzor DE, Nguyen N, Regan SD, Okuyemi KS, Castro Y, Wetter DW, Businelle MS. Shelter proximity and affect among homeless smokers making a quit attempt. Am J Health Behav. 2014 Mar; 38(2):161-9. PMID: 24629545; PMCID: PMC3960295.
Reitzel LR, Buchanan TS, Nguyen N, Ahluwalia JS. Associations of subjective social status with nondaily and daily smoking. Am J Health Behav. 2014 Mar; 38(2):245-53. PMID: 24629553; PMCID: PMC3960294.
Vidrine JI, Businelle MS, Reitzel LR, Cao Y, Cinciripini PM, Marcus MT, Li Y, Wetter DW. Coping Mediates the Association of Mindfulness with Psychological Stress, Affect, and Depression Among Smokers Preparing to Quit. Mindfulness (N Y). 2015 Jun; 6(3):433-443. PMID: 28191263.
Reitzel LR, Nguyen N, Li N, Xu L, Regan SD, Sturgis EM. Trends in thyroid cancer incidence in Texas from 1995 to 2008 by socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity. Thyroid. 2014 Mar; 24(3):556-67. PMID: 24063701; PMCID: PMC3949437.
Kendzor DE, Businelle MS, Reitzel LR, Castro Y, Vidrine JI, Mazas CA, Cinciripini PM, Lam CY, Adams CE, Correa-Fernández V, Cano MÁ, Wetter DW. The influence of discrimination on smoking cessation among Latinos. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Mar 01; 136:143-8. PMID: 24485880; PMCID: PMC3967740.
Hernandez DC, Reitzel LR, Wetter DW, McNeill LH. Social support and cardiovascular risk factors among black adults. Ethn Dis. 2014; 24(4):444-50. PMID: 25417427; PMCID: PMC4958460.
Hernandez DC, Reitzel LR, Wetter DW, McNeill LH. Social support and cardiovascular risk factors among black adults. Ethn Dis. 2014; 24(4):444-50. PMID: 25507155.
Cuevas AG, Reitzel LR, Adams CE, Cao Y, Nguyen N, Wetter DW, Watkins KL, Regan SD, McNeill LH. Discrimination, affect, and cancer risk factors among African Americans. Am J Health Behav. 2014 Jan; 38(1):31-41. PMID: 24034678; PMCID: PMC3775007.
Kendzor DE, Businelle MS, Reitzel LR, Rios DM, Scheuermann TS, Pulvers K, Ahluwalia JS. Everyday discrimination is associated with nicotine dependence among African American, Latino, and White smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Jun; 16(6):633-40. PMID: 24302634; PMCID: PMC4015086.
Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Kesh A, Cuate EL, Poonawalla IB, Reitzel LR, Okuyemi KS, Wetter DW. Small financial incentives increase smoking cessation in homeless smokers: a pilot study. Addict Behav. 2014 Mar; 39(3):717-20. PMID: 24321696.
Cuevas AG, Reitzel LR, Cao Y, Nguyen N, Wetter DW, Adams CE, Watkins KL, Regan SD, McNeill LH. Mediators of discrimination and self-rated health among African Americans. Am J Health Behav. 2013 Nov; 37(6):745-54. PMID: 24001623; PMCID: PMC3763512.
Watkins KL, Regan SD, Nguyen N, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Lam C, Balis D, Cuevas AG, Cao Y, Reitzel LR. Advancing cessation research by integrating EMA and geospatial methodologies: associations between tobacco retail outlets and real-time smoking urges during a quit attempt. Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 May; 16 Suppl 2:S93-101. PMID: 24057995; PMCID: PMC3977633.
Kendzor DE, Businelle MS, Cofta-Woerpel LM, Reitzel LR, Castro Y, Vidrine JI, Mazas CA, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW. Mechanisms linking socioeconomic disadvantage and BMI in smokers. Am J Health Behav. 2013 Sep; 37(5):587-98. PMID: 23985281; PMCID: PMC3903428.
Reitzel LR, Etzel CJ, Cao Y, Okuyemi KS, Ahluwalia JS. Associations of menthol use with motivation and confidence to quit smoking. Am J Health Behav. 2013 Sep; 37(5):629-34. PMID: 23985285; PMCID: PMC3761418.
Reitzel LR, Regan SD, Nguyen N, Cromley EK, Strong LL, Wetter DW, McNeill LH. Density and proximity of fast food restaurants and body mass index among African Americans. Am J Public Health. 2014 Jan; 104(1):110-6. PMID: 23678913; PMCID: PMC3910025.
Reitzel LR, Lahoti S, Li Y, Cao Y, Wetter DW, Waters AJ, Vidrine JI. Neighborhood vigilance, health locus of control, and smoking abstinence. Am J Health Behav. 2013 May; 37(3):334-41. PMID: 23985180; PMCID: PMC3761415.
Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR, Vidrine JI, Castro Y, Mullen PD, Velasquez MM, Cofta-Woerpel L, Cinciripini PM, Greisinger AJ, Wetter DW. Pathways linking socioeconomic status and postpartum smoking relapse. Ann Behav Med. 2013 Apr; 45(2):180-91. PMID: 23086590; PMCID: PMC3854787.
Reitzel LR, Kendzor DE, Castro Y, Cao Y, Businelle MS, Mazas CA, Cofta-Woerpel L, Li Y, Cinciripini PM, Ahluwalia JS, Wetter DW. The relation between social cohesion and smoking cessation among Black smokers, and the potential role of psychosocial mediators. Ann Behav Med. 2013 Apr; 45(2):249-57. PMID: 23135831; PMCID: PMC3587036.
Strong LL, Reitzel LR, Wetter DW, McNeill LH. Associations of perceived neighborhood physical and social environments with physical activity and television viewing in African-American men and women. Am J Health Promot. 2013 Jul-Aug; 27(6):401-9. PMID: 23398134; PMCID: PMC3880192.
Reitzel LR, Li Y, Stewart DW, Cao Y, Wetter DW, Waters AJ, Vidrine JI. Race moderates the effect of menthol cigarette use on short-term smoking abstinence. Nicotine Tob Res. 2013 May; 15(5):883-9. PMID: 23288873; PMCID: PMC3621585.
Reitzel LR, Nguyen N, Strong LL, Wetter DW, McNeill LH. Subjective social status and health behaviors among African Americans. Am J Health Behav. 2013 Jan; 37(1):104-11. PMID: 22943107; PMCID: PMC3433853.
Li N, Du XL, Reitzel LR, Xu L, Sturgis EM. Impact of enhanced detection on the increase in thyroid cancer incidence in the United States: review of incidence trends by socioeconomic status within the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results registry, 1980-2008. Thyroid. 2013 Jan; 23(1):103-10. PMID: 23043274; PMCID: PMC3539256.
Whembolua GL, Davis JT, Reitzel LR, Guo H, Thomas JL, Goldade KR, Okuyemi KS, Ahluwalia JS. Subjective social status predicts smoking abstinence among light smokers. Am J Health Behav. 2012 Sep; 36(5):639-46. PMID: 22584091; PMCID: PMC4495764.
Reitzel LR, Nguyen N, Zafereo ME, Li G, Wei Q, Sturgis EM. Neighborhood deprivation and clinical outcomes among head and neck cancer patients. Health Place. 2012 Jul; 18(4):861-8. PMID: 22445028; PMCID: PMC3372668.
Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR, Mazas CA, Cofta-Woerpel LM, Cao Y, Ji L, Costello TJ, Vidrine JI, Businelle MS, Li Y, Castro Y, Ahluwalia JS, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW. Individual- and area-level unemployment influence smoking cessation among African Americans participating in a randomized clinical trial. Soc Sci Med. 2012 May; 74(9):1394-401. PMID: 22405506; PMCID: PMC3321106.
Reitzel LR, Vidrine JI, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Cao Y, Mazas CA, Li Y, Ahluwalia JS, Cinciripini PM, Cofta-Woerpel L, Wetter DW. Neighborhood perceptions are associated with tobacco dependence among African American smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2012 Jul; 14(7):786-93. PMID: 22180596; PMCID: PMC3390547.
Heppner WL, Ji L, Reitzel LR, Reitzel L, Castro Y, Correa-Fernandez V, Vidrine JI, Li Y, Dolan-Mullen P, Velasquez MM, Cinciripini PM, Cinciripini P, Cofta-Woerpel L, Cofta-Woerpel L, Greisinger A, Wetter D. The role of prepartum motivation in the maintenance of postpartum smoking abstinence. Health Psychol. 2011 Nov; 30(6):736-45. PMID: 21859215; PMCID: PMC3221324.
Castro Y, Costello TJ, Correa-Fernández V, Heppner WL, Reitzel LR, Cofta-Woerpel L, Mazas CA, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW. Differential effects of depression on smoking cessation in a diverse sample of smokers in treatment. Am J Prev Med. 2011 Jul; 41(1):84-7. PMID: 21665068; PMCID: PMC3733472.
Wetter DW, McClure JB, Cofta-Woerpel L, Costello TJ, Reitzel LR, Businelle MS, Cinciripini PM. A randomized clinical trial of a palmtop computer-delivered treatment for smoking relapse prevention among women. Psychol Addict Behav. 2011 Jun; 25(2):365-71. PMID: 21500879; PMCID: PMC5034355.
Reitzel LR, Nguyen N, Cao Y, Vidrine JI, Daza P, Mullen PD, Velasquez MM, Li Y, Cinciripini PM, Cofta-Woerpel L, Wetter DW. Race/ethnicity moderates the effect of prepartum menthol cigarette use on postpartum smoking abstinence. Nicotine Tob Res. 2011 Dec; 13(12):1305-10. PMID: 21622498; PMCID: PMC3223573.
Reitzel LR, McClure JB, Cofta-Woerpel L, Mazas CA, Cao Y, Cinciripini PM, Vidrine JI, Li Y, Wetter DW. The efficacy of computer-delivered treatment for smoking cessation. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2011 Jul; 20(7):1555-7. PMID: 21613389; PMCID: PMC3132322.
Reitzel LR, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Li Y, Cao Y, Castro Y, Mazas CA, Cofta-Woerpel L, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW. Subjective social status predicts long-term smoking abstinence. BMC Public Health. 2011 Feb 25; 11:135. PMID: 21352534; PMCID: PMC3050754.
Reitzel LR, Cromley EK, Li Y, Cao Y, Dela Mater R, Mazas CA, Cofta-Woerpel L, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW. The effect of tobacco outlet density and proximity on smoking cessation. Am J Public Health. 2011 Feb; 101(2):315-20. PMID: 21164089; PMCID: PMC3020198.
Roberts JC, Li G, Reitzel LR, Wei Q, Sturgis EM. No evidence of sex-related survival disparities among head and neck cancer patients receiving similar multidisciplinary care: a matched-pair analysis. Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Oct 15; 16(20):5019-27. PMID: 20943762; PMCID: PMC2956614.
Kendzor DE, Businelle MS, Costello TJ, Castro Y, Reitzel LR, Vidrine JI, Li Y, Mullen PD, Velasquez MM, Cinciripini PM, Cofta-Woerpel LM, Wetter DW. Breast feeding is associated with postpartum smoking abstinence among women who quit smoking due to pregnancy. Nicotine Tob Res. 2010 Oct; 12(10):983-8. PMID: 20713441; PMCID: PMC2948049.
Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR, Costello TJ, Cofta-Woerpel L, Li Y, Mazas CA, Vidrine JI, Cinciripini PM, Greisinger AJ, Wetter DW. Mechanisms linking socioeconomic status to smoking cessation: a structural equation modeling approach. Health Psychol. 2010 May; 29(3):262-73. PMID: 20496980; PMCID: PMC2922845.
Reitzel LR, Mazas CA, Cofta-Woerpel L, Li Y, Cao Y, Businelle MS, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW. Subjective social status affects smoking abstinence during acute withdrawal through affective mediators. Addiction. 2010 May; 105(5):928-36. PMID: 20219054; PMCID: PMC2857594.
Kendzor DE, Businelle MS, Costello TJ, Castro Y, Reitzel LR, Cofta-Woerpel LM, Li Y, Mazas CA, Vidrine JI, Cinciripini PM, Greisinger AJ, Wetter DW. Financial strain and smoking cessation among racially/ethnically diverse smokers. Am J Public Health. 2010 Apr; 100(4):702-6. PMID: 20167886; PMCID: PMC2836332.
Reitzel LR, Vidrine JI, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Costello TJ, Li Y, Daza P, Mullen PD, Velasquez MM, Cinciripini PM, Cofta-Woerpel L, Wetter DW. Preventing postpartum smoking relapse among diverse low-income women: a randomized clinical trial. Nicotine Tob Res. 2010 Apr; 12(4):326-35. PMID: 20154055; PMCID: PMC2847071.
Reitzel LR, Mazas CA, Cofta-Woerpel L, Vidrine JI, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Li Y, Cao Y, Wetter DW. Acculturative and neighborhood influences on subjective social status among Spanish-speaking Latino immigrant smokers. Soc Sci Med. 2010 Mar; 70(5):677-83. PMID: 20044186.
Castro Y, Reitzel LR, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Mazas CA, Li Y, Cofta-Woerpel L, Wetter DW. Acculturation differentially predicts smoking cessation among Latino men and women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2009 Dec; 18(12):3468-75. PMID: 19959697; PMCID: PMC2798575.
Irvin Vidrine J, Reitzel LR, Wetter DW. The role of tobacco in cancer health disparities. Curr Oncol Rep. 2009 Nov; 11(6):475-81. PMID: 19840525.
Vidrine JI, Businelle MS, Cinciripini P, Li Y, Marcus MT, Waters AJ, Reitzel LR, Wetter DW. Associations of mindfulness with nicotine dependence, withdrawal, and agency. Subst Abus. 2009 Oct-Dec; 30(4):318-27. PMID: 19904667; PMCID: PMC5038916.
Waters AJ, Reitzel LR, Cinciripini P, Li Y, Marcus MT, Vidrine JI, Wetter DW. Associations between mindfulness and implicit cognition and self-reported affect. Subst Abus. 2009 Oct-Dec; 30(4):328-37. PMID: 19904668; PMCID: PMC5024533.
Kendzor DE, Businelle MS, Mazas CA, Cofta-Woerpel LM, Reitzel LR, Vidrine JI, Li Y, Costello TJ, Cinciripini PM, Ahluwalia JS, Wetter DW. Pathways between socioeconomic status and modifiable risk factors among African American smokers. J Behav Med. 2009 Dec; 32(6):545-57. PMID: 19757014; PMCID: PMC2828046.
Chen LM, Li G, Reitzel LR, Pytynia KB, Zafereo ME, Wei Q, Sturgis EM. Matched-pair analysis of race or ethnicity in outcomes of head and neck cancer patients receiving similar multidisciplinary care. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2009 Sep; 2(9):782-91. PMID: 19737985; PMCID: PMC2774765.
Reitzel LR, Costello TJ, Mazas CA, Vidrine JI, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Li Y, Cofta-Woerpel L, Wetter DW. Low-level smoking among Spanish-speaking Latino smokers: relationships with demographics, tobacco dependence, withdrawal, and cessation. Nicotine Tob Res. 2009 Feb; 11(2):178-84. PMID: 19246627; PMCID: PMC2658909.
Kendzor DE, Costello TJ, Li Y, Vidrine JI, Mazas CA, Reitzel LR, Cinciripini PM, Cofta-Woerpel LM, Businelle MS, Wetter DW. Race/ethnicity and multiple cancer risk factors among individuals seeking smoking cessation treatment. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 Nov; 17(11):2937-45. PMID: 18990734; PMCID: PMC5013545.
Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Costello TJ, Cofta-Woerpel L, Li Y, Mazas CA, Vidrine JI, Reitzel LR, Cinciripini PM, Ahluwalia JS, Wetter DW. Light versus heavy smoking among African American men and women. Addict Behav. 2009 Feb; 34(2):197-203. PMID: 18976867; PMCID: PMC2614080.
Kendzor DE, Cofta-Woerpel LM, Mazas CA, Li Y, Vidrine JI, Reitzel LR, Costello TJ, Businelle MS, Ahluwalia JS, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW. Socioeconomic status, negative affect, and modifiable cancer risk factors in African-American smokers. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 Oct; 17(10):2546-54. PMID: 18842995; PMCID: PMC2602870.
Rowan PJ, Cofta-Woerpel L, Mazas CA, Vidrine JI, Reitzel LR, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW. Evaluating reactivity to ecological momentary assessment during smoking cessation. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol. 2007 Aug; 15(4):382-9. PMID: 17696685.
Reitzel LR, Vidrine JI, Li Y, Mullen PD, Velasquez MM, Cinciripini PM, Cofta-Woerpel L, Greisinger A, Wetter DW. The influence of subjective social status on vulnerability to postpartum smoking among young pregnant women. Am J Public Health. 2007 Aug; 97(8):1476-82. PMID: 17600249; PMCID: PMC1931465.
Reitzel LR, Carbonell JL. The effectiveness of sexual offender treatment for juveniles as measured by recidivism: a meta-analysis. Sex Abuse. 2006 Oct; 18(4):401-21. PMID: 17136623.
Lima EN, Stanley S, Kaboski B, Reitzel LR, Richey A, Castro Y, Williams FM, Tannenbaum KR, Stellrecht NE, Jakobsons LJ, Wingate LR, Joiner TE. The incremental validity of the MMPI-2: when does therapist access not enhance treatment outcome? Psychol Assess. 2005 Dec; 17(4):462-8. PMID: 16393012.
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Year | Publications |
2005 | 1 | 2006 | 1 | 2007 | 2 | 2008 | 3 | 2009 | 7 | 2010 | 8 | 2011 | 7 | 2012 | 3 | 2013 | 14 | 2014 | 20 | 2015 | 12 | 2016 | 12 | 2017 | 6 |
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