Haluk Ogmen
Title | Research Professor |
Institution | University of Houston |
Department | Electrical Engineering |
Address | 4800 Calhoun Rd Houston TX 77004
Phone | 713-743-4428 |
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Research R29MH049892 (OGMEN, HALUK)Sep 1, 1992 - Aug 31, 1998 NIH/NIMH NEURAL CORRELATES OF MOTION PERCEPTION Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01MH049892 (OGMEN, HALUK)Sep 1, 1992 - May 31, 2006 NIH/NIMH NEURAL CORRELATES OF MOVING BOUNDARY PERCEPTION Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01EY018165 (OGMEN, HALUK)Aug 1, 2009 - Jul 31, 2011 NIH/NEI Non-retinotopic Mechanisms of Dynamic Form Perception in Human Vision Role: Principal Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Jacot-Guillarmod A, Wang Y, Pedroza C, Ogmen H, Kilpatrick Z, Josic K. Extending Levelt's Propositions to perceptual multistability involving interocular grouping. Vision Res. 2017 Apr; 133:37-46. PMID: 28185858.
Gonen FF, Ogmen H. Exogenous attention during perceptual group formation and dissolution. Atten Percept Psychophys. 2017 Feb; 79(2):593-602. PMID: 27834045.
Agaoglu S, Breitmeyer B, Ogmen H. Metacontrast masking and attention do not interact. Atten Percept Psychophys. 2016 Jul; 78(5):1363-80. PMID: 27032801.
Agaoglu S, Agaoglu MN, Breitmeyer B, Ogmen H. A statistical perspective to visual masking. Vision Res. 2015 Oct; 115(Pt A):23-39. PMID: 26238247.
Noory B, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Spatial properties of non-retinotopic reference frames in human vision. Vision Res. 2015 Aug; 113(Pt A):44-54. PMID: 26049040.
Noory B, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Retinotopy of visual masking and non-retinotopic perception during masking. Atten Percept Psychophys. 2015 May; 77(4):1263-84. PMID: 25772098.
Herzog MH, Hermens F, Ogmen H. Invisibility and interpretation. Front Psychol. 2014; 5:975. PMID: 25278910; PMCID: PMC4166109.
Gonen FF, Hallal H, Ogmen H. Facilitation by exogenous attention for static and dynamic gestalt groups. Atten Percept Psychophys. 2014 Aug; 76(6):1709-20. PMID: 24811040.
Agaoglu MN, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Non-retinotopic feature processing in the absence of retinotopic spatial layout and the construction of perceptual space from motion. Vision Res. 2012 Oct 15; 71:10-7. PMID: 22929811; PMCID: PMC3472132.
Yilmaz O, Tripathy SP, Ogmen H. Misperceptions in the trajectories of objects undergoing curvilinear motion. PLoS One. 2012; 7(5):e36511. PMID: 22615775; PMCID: PMC3355155.
Herzog MH, Otto TU, Ogmen H. The fate of visible features of invisible elements. Front Psychol. 2012; 3:119. PMID: 22557985; PMCID: PMC3338119.
Boi M, Vergeer M, Ogmen H, Herzog MH. Nonretinotopic exogenous attention. Curr Biol. 2011 Oct 25; 21(20):1732-7. PMID: 22000104; PMCID: PMC3408210.
Aydin M, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Barrier effects in non-retinotopic feature attribution. Vision Res. 2011 Aug 15; 51(16):1861-71. PMID: 21767561; PMCID: PMC3152686.
Boi M, Ogmen H, Herzog MH. Motion and tilt aftereffects occur largely in retinal, not in object, coordinates in the Ternus-Pikler display. J Vis. 2011 Mar 09; 11(3). PMID: 21389102; PMCID: PMC3277859.
Aydin M, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Attention modulates spatio-temporal grouping. Vision Res. 2011 Feb 23; 51(4):435-46. PMID: 21266181; PMCID: PMC3050093.
Otto TU, Ogmen H, Herzog MH. Perceptual learning in a nonretinotopic frame of reference. Psychol Sci. 2010 Aug; 21(8):1058-63. PMID: 20585052; PMCID: PMC3461322.
Shooner C, Tripathy SP, Bedell HE, Ogmen H. High-capacity, transient retention of direction-of-motion information for multiple moving objects. J Vis. 2010 Jun 01; 10(6):8. PMID: 20884557; PMCID: PMC3248821.
Ogmen H, Herzog MH. The Geometry of Visual Perception: Retinotopic and Non-retinotopic Representations in the Human Visual System. Proc IEEE Inst Electr Electron Eng. 2010; 98(3):479-492. PMID: 22334763.
Boi M, Ogmen H, Krummenacher J, Otto TU, Herzog MH. A (fascinating) litmus test for human retino- vs. non-retinotopic processing. J Vis. 2009 Dec 05; 9(13):5.1-11. PMID: 20055538; PMCID: PMC2904816.
Otto TU, Ogmen H, Herzog MH. Feature integration across space, time, and orientation. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 2009 Dec; 35(6):1670-86. PMID: 19968428; PMCID: PMC3277857.
Kafaligönül H, Breitmeyer BG, Ogmen H. Effects of contrast polarity in paracontrast masking. Atten Percept Psychophys. 2009 Oct; 71(7):1576-87. PMID: 19801617.
Aydin M, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Shape distortions and Gestalt grouping in anorthoscopic perception. J Vis. 2009 Mar 13; 9(3):8.1-8. PMID: 19757947; PMCID: PMC3248828.
Breitmeyer BG, Tapia E, Kafaligönül H, Ogmen H. Metacontrast masking and stimulus contrast polarity. Vision Res. 2008 Oct; 48(23-24):2433-8. PMID: 18765246.
Breitmeyer BG, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Motion, not masking, provides the medium for feature attribution. Psychol Sci. 2008 Aug; 19(8):823-9. PMID: 18816291.
Ansorge U, Francis G, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Visual masking and the dynamics of human perception, cognition, and consciousness A century of progress, a contemporary synthesis, and future directions. Adv Cogn Psychol. 2008 Jul 15; 3(1-2):1-8. PMID: 20517493; PMCID: PMC2864989.
Ogmen H. A theory of moving form perception: Synergy between masking, perceptual grouping, and motion computation in retinotopic and non-retinotopic representations. Adv Cogn Psychol. 2008 Jul 15; 3(1-2):67-84. PMID: 20517499; PMCID: PMC2864981.
Ogmen H, Purushothaman G, Breitmeyer BG. Metacontrast, target recovery, and the magno- and parvocellular systems: a reply to the perspective. Vis Neurosci. 2008 Jul-Aug; 25(4):611-6. PMID: 18764961.
Otto TU, Ogmen H, Herzog MH. Assessing the microstructure of motion correspondences with non-retinotopic feature attribution. J Vis. 2008 Jun 30; 8(7):16.1-15. PMID: 19146249.
Aydin M, Herzog MH, Ogmen H. Perceived speed differences explain apparent compression in slit viewing. Vision Res. 2008 Jul; 48(15):1603-12. PMID: 18555505.
Breitmeyer BG, Koç A, Ogmen H, Ziegler R. Functional hierarchies of nonconscious visual processing. Vision Res. 2008 Jun; 48(14):1509-13. PMID: 18511097.
Yilmaz O, Tripathy SP, Patel SS, Ogmen H. Attraction of flashes to moving dots. Vision Res. 2007 Sep; 47(20):2603-15. PMID: 17697692.
Breitmeyer BG, Ro T, Ogmen H, Todd S. Unconscious, stimulus-dependent priming and conscious, percept-dependent priming with chromatic stimuli. Percept Psychophys. 2007 May; 69(4):550-7. PMID: 17727108.
Scharnowski F, Hermens F, Kammer T, Ogmen H, Herzog MH. Feature fusion reveals slow and fast visual memories. J Cogn Neurosci. 2007 Apr; 19(4):632-41. PMID: 17381254.
Ogmen H, Breitmeyer BG, Todd S, Mardon L. Target recovery in metacontrast: the effect of contrast. Vision Res. 2006 Dec; 46(28):4726-34. PMID: 17081585; PMCID: PMC1945166.
Otto TU, Ogmen H, Herzog MH. The flight path of the phoenix--the visible trace of invisible elements in human vision. J Vis. 2006 Sep 22; 6(10):1079-86. PMID: 17132079.
Ogmen H, Otto TU, Herzog MH. Perceptual grouping induces non-retinotopic feature attribution in human vision. Vision Res. 2006 Oct; 46(19):3234-42. PMID: 16750550.
Breitmeyer BG, Kafaligönül H, Ogmen H, Mardon L, Todd S, Ziegler R. Meta- and paracontrast reveal differences between contour- and brightness-processing mechanisms. Vision Res. 2006 Sep; 46(17):2645-58. PMID: 16563459.
Breitmeyer BG, Ro T, Ogmen H. A comparison of masking by visual and transcranial magnetic stimulation: implications for the study of conscious and unconscious visual processing. Conscious Cogn. 2004 Dec; 13(4):829-43. PMID: 15522634.
Breitmeyer BG, Ogmen H, Chen J. Unconscious priming by color and form: different processes and levels. Conscious Cogn. 2004 Mar; 13(1):138-57. PMID: 14990249.
Ogmen H, Patel SS, Bedell HE, Camuz K. Differential latencies and the dynamics of the position computation process for moving targets, assessed with the flash-lag effect. Vision Res. 2004; 44(18):2109-28. PMID: 15183678.
Purushothaman G, Ogmen H, Bedell HE. Suprathreshold intrinsic dynamics of the human visual system. Neural Comput. 2003 Dec; 15(12):2883-908. PMID: 14629872.
Patel SS, Ukwade MT, Stevenson SB, Bedell HE, Sampath V, Ogmen H. Stereoscopic depth perception from oblique phase disparities. Vision Res. 2003 Nov; 43(24):2479-92. PMID: 13129536.
Bedell HE, Chung ST, Ogmen H, Patel SS. Color and motion: which is the tortoise and which is the hare? Vision Res. 2003 Oct; 43(23):2403-12. PMID: 12972391.
Yang SX, Ogmen H, Maguire G. Neural computations in the tiger salamander and mudpuppy outer retinae and an analysis of GABA action from horizontal cells. Biol Cybern. 2003 Jun; 88(6):450-8. PMID: 12789493.
Ogmen H, Breitmeyer BG, Melvin R. The what and where in visual masking. Vision Res. 2003 Jun; 43(12):1337-50. PMID: 12742104.
Purushothaman G, Lacassagne D, Bedell HE, Ogmen H. Effect of exposure duration, contrast and base blur on coding and discrimination of edges. Spat Vis. 2002; 15(3):341-76. PMID: 12116994.
Patel SS, Jiang BC, Ogmen H. Vergence dynamics predict fixation disparity. Neural Comput. 2001 Jul; 13(7):1495-525. PMID: 11440595.
Patel SS, Ogmen H, Bedell HE, Sampath V. Flash-lag effect: differential latency, not postdiction. Science. 2000 Nov 10; 290(5494):1051. PMID: 11184992.
Breitmeyer BG, Ogmen H. Recent models and findings in visual backward masking: a comparison, review, and update. Percept Psychophys. 2000 Nov; 62(8):1572-95. PMID: 11140180.
Purushothaman G, Ogmen H, Bedell HE. Gamma-range oscillations in backward-masking functions and their putative neural correlates. Psychol Rev. 2000 Jul; 107(3):556-77. PMID: 10941280.
Patel SS, Jiang BC, White JM, Ogmen H. Nonlinear alteration of transient vergence dynamics after sustained convergence. Optom Vis Sci. 1999 Sep; 76(9):656-63. PMID: 10498008.
Purushothaman G, Patel SS, Bedell HE, Ogmen H. Moving ahead through differential visual latency. Nature. 1998 Dec 03; 396(6710):424. PMID: 9853748.
Purushothaman G, Ogmen H, Chen S, Bedell HE. Motion deblurring in a neural network model of retino-cortical dynamics. Vision Res. 1998 Jun; 38(12):1827-42. PMID: 9797961.
Sarikaya M, Wang W, Ogmen H. Neural network model of on-off units in the fly visual system: simulations of dynamic behavior. Biol Cybern. 1998 May; 78(5):399-412. PMID: 9691267.
Patel SS, Ogmen H, White JM, Jiang BC. Neural network model of short-term horizontal disparity vergence dynamics. Vision Res. 1997 May; 37(10):1383-99. PMID: 9205729.
Tripathy SP, Levi DM, Ogmen H. Two-dot alignment across the physiological blind spot. Vision Res. 1996 Jun; 36(11):1585-96. PMID: 8759461.
Chen S, Bedell HE, Ogmen H. A target in real motion appears blurred in the absence of other proximal moving targets. Vision Res. 1995 Aug; 35(16):2315-28. PMID: 7571467.
Tripathy SP, Levi DM, Ogmen H, Harden C. Perceived length across the physiological blind spot. Vis Neurosci. 1995 Mar-Apr; 12(2):385-402. PMID: 7786858.
Ogmen H, Garnier L. Quantitative studies of fly visual sustained neurons. Int J Biomed Comput. 1994 Aug; 36(4):299-310. PMID: 7528176.
Ogmen H, Moussa M. A neural model for nonassociative learning in a prototypical sensory-motor scheme: the landing reaction in flies. Biol Cybern. 1993; 68(4):351-61. PMID: 8476977.
Ogmen H, Gagné S. Neural models for SUSTAINED and ON-OFF units of insect lamina. Biol Cybern. 1990; 63(1):51-60. PMID: 2357479.
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