Karen Fern
Title | Associate Professor |
Institution | University of Houston |
Department | Dean, Optometry |
Address | 4800 Calhoun Rd Houston TX 77004
Phone | 713-743-1941 |
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Research R03EY007870 (FERN, KAREN D)Jul 1, 1988 - Jun 30, 1990 NIH/NEI PRESCHOOL VISION SCREENINGS--COMPARISON OF TECHNIQUES Role: Principal Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Manny RE, Deng L, Gwiazda J, Hyman L, Weissberg E, Scheiman M, Fern KD. Internal Astigmatism in Myopes and Non-myopes: Compensation or Constant? Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Sep; 93(9):1079-92. PMID: 27564515; PMCID: PMC5003335 [Available on 09/01/17].
Scheiman M, Gwiazda J, Zhang Q, Deng L, Fern K, Manny RE, Weissberg E, Hyman L. Longitudinal changes in corneal curvature and its relationship to axial length in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial (COMET) cohort. J Optom. 2016 Jan-Mar; 9(1):13-21. PMID: 26564446; PMCID: PMC4705324.
Deng L, Gwiazda J, Manny RE, Scheiman M, Weissberg E, Fern KD, Weise K. Limited change in anisometropia and aniso-axial length over 13 years in myopic children enrolled in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Apr 03; 55(4):2097-105. PMID: 24576881; PMCID: PMC3987230.
Hopkinson N, Wallis C, Higgins B, Gaduzo S, Sherrington R, Keilty S, Stern M, Britton J, Bush A, Moxham J, Sylvester K, Griffiths V, Sutherland T, Crossingham I, Raju R, Spencer C, Safavi S, Deegan P, Seymour J, Hickman K, Hughes J, Wieboldt J, Shaheen F, Peedell C, Mackenzie N, Nicholl D, Jolley C, Crooks G, Crooks G, Dow C, Deveson P, Bintcliffe O, Gray B, Kumar S, Haney S, Docherty M, Thomas A, Chua F, Dwarakanath A, Summers G, Prowse K, Lytton S, Ong YE, Graves J, Banerjee T, English P, Leonard A, Brunet M, Chaudhry N, Ketchell RI, Cummings N, Lebus J, Sharp C, Meadows C, Harle A, Stewart T, Parry D, Templeton-Wright S, Moore-Gillon J, Stratford- Martin J, Saini S, Matusiewicz S, Merritt S, Dowson L, Satkunam K, Hodgson L, Suh ES, Durrington H, Browne E, Walters N, Steier J, Barry S, Griffiths M, Hart N, Nikolic M, Berry M, Thomas A, Miller J, McNicholl D, Marsden P, Warwick G, Barr L, Adeboyeku D, Mohd Noh MS, Griffiths P, Davies L, Quint J, Lyall R, Shribman J, Collins A, Goldman J, Bloch S, Gill A, Man W, Christopher A, Yasso R, Rajhan A, Shrikrishna D, Moore C, Absalom G, Booton R, Fowler RW, Mackinlay C, Sapey E, Lock S, Walker P, Jha A, Satia I, Bradley B, Mustfa N, Haqqee R, Thomas M, Patel A, Redington A, Pillai A, Keaney N, Fowler S, Lowe L, Brennan A, Morrison D, Murray C, Hankinson J, Dutta P, Maddocks M, Pengo M, Curtis K, Rafferty G, Hutchinson J, Whitfield R, Turner S, Breen R, Naveed SU, Goode C, Esterbrook G, Ahmed L, Walker W, Ford D, Connett G, Davidson P, Elston W, Stanton A, Morgan D, Myerson J, Maxwell D, Harrris A, Parmar S, Houghton C, Winter R, Puthucheary Z, Thomson F, Sturney S, Harvey J, Haslam PL, Patel I, Jennings D, Range S, Mallia-Milanes B, Collett A, Tate P, Russell R, Feary J, O'Driscoll R, Eaden J, Round J, Sharkey E, Montgomery M, Vaughan S, Scheele K, Lithgow A, Partridge S, Chavasse R, Restrick L, Agrawal S, Abdallah S, Lacy-Colson A, Adams N, Mitchell S, Haja Mydin H, Ward A, Denniston S, Steel M, Ghosh D, Connellan S, Rigge L, Williams R, Grove A, Anwar S, Dobson L, Hosker H, Stableforth D, Greening N, Howell T, Casswell G, Davies S, Tunnicliffe G, Mitchelmore P, Phitidis E, Robinson L, Prowse K, Bafadhel M, Robinson G, Boland A, Lipman M, Bourke S, Kaul S, Cowie C, Forrest I, Starren E, Burke H, Furness J, Bhowmik A, Everett C, Seaton D, Holmes S, Doe S, Parker S, Graham A, Paterson I, Maqsood U, Ohri C, Iles P, Kemp S, Iftikhar A, Carlin C, Fletcher T, Emerson P, Beasley V, Ramsay M, Buttery R, Mungall S, Crooks S, Ridyard J, Ross D, Guadagno A, Holden E, Coutts I, Cullen K, O'Connor S, Barker J, Sloper K, Watson J, Smith P, Anderson P, Brown L, Nyman C, Milburn H, Clive A, Serlin M, Bolton C, Fuld J, Powell H, Dayer M, Woolhouse I, Georgiadi A, Leonard H, Dodd J, Campbell I, Ruiz G, Zurek A, Paton JY, Malin A, Wood F, Hynes G, Connell D, Spencer D, Brown S, Smith D, Cooper D, O'Kane C, Hicks A, Creagh-Brown B, Lordan J, Nickol A, Primhak R, Fleming L, Powrie D, Brown J, Zoumot Z, Elkin S, Szram J, Scaffardi A, Marshall R, Macdonald I, Lightbody D, Farmer R, Wheatley I, Radnan P, Lane I, Booth A, Tilbrook S, Capstick T, Hewitt L, McHugh M, Nelson C, Wilson P, Padmanaban V, White J, Davison J, O'Callaghan U, Hodson M, Edwards J, Campbell C, Ward S, Wooler E, Ringrose E, Bridges D, Long A, Parkes M, Clarke S, Allen B, Connelly C, Forster G, Hoadley J, Martin K, Barnham K, Khan K, Munday M, Edwards C, O'Hara D, Turner S, Pieri-Davies S, Ford K, Daniels T, Wright J, Towns R, Fern K, Butcher J, Burgin K, Winter B, Freeman D, Olive S, Gray L, Pye K, Roots D, Cox N, Davies CA, Wicker J, Hilton K, Lloyd J, MacBean V, Wood M, Kowal J, Downs J, Ryan H, Guyatt F, Nicoll D, Lyons E, Narasimhan D, Rodman A, Walmsley S, Newey A, Buxton M, Dewar M, Cooper A, Reilly J, Lloyd J, Macmillan AB, Roots D, Olley A, Voase N, Martin S, McCarvill I, Christensen A, Agate R, Heslop K, Timlett A, Hailes K, Davey C, Pawulska B, Lane A, Ioakim S, Hough A, Treharne J, Jones H, Winter-Burke A, Miller L, et al. Children must be protected from the tobacco industry's marketing tactics. BMJ. 2013 Dec 09; 347:f7358. PMID: 24324220.
Dias L, Manny RE, Weissberg E, Fern KD. Myopia, contact lens use and self-esteem. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013 Sep; 33(5):573-80. PMID: 23763482; PMCID: PMC3743944.
Fern KD, Manny RE, Gwiazda J, Hyman L, Weise K, Marsh-Tootle W. Intraocular pressure and central corneal thickness in the COMET cohort. Optom Vis Sci. 2012 Aug; 89(8):1225-34. PMID: 22820476; PMCID: PMC3726188.
Anderson H, Stuebing KK, Fern KD, Manny RE. Ten-year changes in fusional vergence, phoria, and nearpoint of convergence in myopic children. Optom Vis Sci. 2011 Sep; 88(9):1060-5. PMID: 21623250; PMCID: PMC3648203.
Anderson HA, Manny RE, Fern KD. Prejudice to strabismus in young children. Br J Ophthalmol. 2011 May; 95(5):751. PMID: 21362774.
Anderson HA, Bertrand KC, Manny RE, Hu YS, Fern KD. Comparison of two drug combinations for dilating dark irides. Optom Vis Sci. 2010 Feb; 87(2):120-4. PMID: 20035241; PMCID: PMC2841019.
Johns HA, Manny RE, Fern KD, Hu YS. The effect of strabismus on a young child's selection of a playmate. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2005 Sep; 25(5):400-7. PMID: 16101945.
Dias L, Hyman L, Manny RE, Fern K. Evaluating the self-esteem of myopic children over a three-year period: The COMET Experience. Optom Vis Sci. 2005 Apr; 82(4):338-47. PMID: 15829861.
Johns HA, Manny RE, Fern K, Hu YS. The intraexaminer and interexaminer repeatability of the alternate cover test using different prism neutralization endpoints. Optom Vis Sci. 2004 Dec; 81(12):939-46. PMID: 15592119.
Dias L, Manny RE, Hyman L, Fern K. The relationship between self-esteem of myopic children and ocular and demographic characteristics. Optom Vis Sci. 2002 Nov; 79(11):688-96. PMID: 12462537.
Fern KD, Manny RE, Garza R. Screening for anisometropia in preschool children. Optom Vis Sci. 1998 Jun; 75(6):407-23. PMID: 9661210.
Kim GE, Fern KD, Perrigin JA. Sterility of ophthalmic drugs dispensed from spray bottles. Optom Vis Sci. 1997 Oct; 74(10):865-7. PMID: 9383801.
Fern KD, Manny RE, Burghart C. Resistance to occlusion: sensitivity to induced blur in 6- to 12-month-old infants. J Am Optom Assoc. 1994 Sep; 65(9):651-9. PMID: 7963225.
Smith EL, Fern K, Manny R, Harwerth RS. Interocular suppression produced by rivalry stimuli: a comparison of normal and abnormal binocular vision. Optom Vis Sci. 1994 Aug; 71(8):479-91. PMID: 7970564.
Manny RE, Fern KD, Zervas HJ, Cline GE, Scott SK, White JM, Pass AF. 1% Cyclopentolate hydrochloride: another look at the time course of cycloplegia using an objective measure of the accommodative response. Optom Vis Sci. 1993 Aug; 70(8):651-65. PMID: 8414387.
Manny RE, Martinez AT, Fern KD. Testing stereopsis in the preschool child: is it clinically useful? J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 1991 Jul-Aug; 28(4):223-31. PMID: 1919971.
Manny RE, Fern KD. Motion coherence in infants. Vision Res. 1990; 30(9):1319-29. PMID: 2219748.
Fern KD. Visual acuity outcome in isometropic hyperopia. Optom Vis Sci. 1989 Oct; 66(10):649-58. PMID: 2587031.
Manny RE, Fern KD, Loshin DS. Contour interaction function in the preschool child. Am J Optom Physiol Opt. 1987 Sep; 64(9):686-92. PMID: 3688189.
Fern KD, Manny RE. Visual acuity of the preschool child: a review. Am J Optom Physiol Opt. 1986 May; 63(5):319-45. PMID: 3717284.
Fern KD, Manny RE, Davis JR, Gibson RR. Contour interaction in the preschool child. Am J Optom Physiol Opt. 1986 May; 63(5):313-8. PMID: 3717283.
Rosner J, Fern K. A new version of the TVAS: a validation report. J Am Optom Assoc. 1983 Jul; 54(7):603-6. PMID: 6886291.
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