Elena Grigorenko
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Houston |
Department | Psychology |
Address | 4800 Calhoun Rd Houston TX 77004
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Research R21TW006764 (GRIGORENKO, ELENA L)Sep 28, 2003 - Feb 28, 2007 NIH/FIC Epidemiological Survey of Learning Disabilities in Zambia Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01DC007665 (GRIGORENKO, ELENA L)Apr 15, 2006 - Sep 30, 2013 NIH/NIDCD Genetic Bases of Developmental Language Disorders Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01TW008274 (GRIGORENKO, ELENA L)Sep 27, 2008 - Apr 30, 2014 NIH/FIC Reading Disabilities in Zambian Children Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01MH089176 (GERSTEIN, MARK BENDER)Sep 30, 2009 - Aug 31, 2012 NIH/NIMH Biological correlates of altered brain growth in autism Role: Co-Principal Investigator |
| R21HD070594 (GRIGORENKO, ELENA L)Aug 10, 2011 - Jun 30, 2014 NIH/NICHD The genetic bases of reading and related processes in Russian Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HD085836 (GRIGORENKO, ELENA L)Aug 1, 2015 - May 31, 2020 NIH/NICHD A Community-Based Evaluation of Interventions for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Role: Principal Investigator |
| P20HD091005 (GRIGORENKO, ELENA L.)Jan 12, 2017 - Dec 31, 2020 NIH/NICHD Severe LD in Juvenile Delinquents: Presentation, Course, and Remediation Role: Principal Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Kornilov SA, Grigorenko EL. What Reading Disability? Evidence for Multiple Latent Profiles of Struggling Readers in a Large Russian Sibpair Sample With at Least One Sibling at Risk for Reading Difficulties. J Learn Disabil. 2017 Jul 01; 22219417718833. PMID: 28693368.
Hein S, Barbot B, Square A, Chapman J, Geib CF, Grigorenko EL. Violent offending among juveniles: A 7-year longitudinal study of recidivism, desistance, and associations with mental health. Law Hum Behav. 2017 Jun; 41(3):273-283. PMID: 28383985.
Jasinska KK, Molfese PJ, Kornilov SA, Mencl WE, Frost SJ, Lee M, Pugh KR, Grigorenko EL, Landi N. The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with structural neuroanatomical differences in young children. Behav Brain Res. 2017 Jun 15; 328:48-56. PMID: 28359883.
Pakstis AJ, Kang L, Liu L, Zhang Z, Jin T, Grigorenko EL, Wendt FR, Budowle B, Hadi S, Al Qahtani MS, Morling N, Mogensen HS, Themudo GE, Soundararajan U, Rajeevan H, Kidd JR, Kidd KK. Increasing the reference populations for the 55 AISNP panel: the need and benefits. Int J Legal Med. 2017 Jul; 131(4):913-917. PMID: 28070634.
Haeffel GJ, Hein S, Square A, Macomber D, Lee M, Chapman J, Grigorenko EL. Evaluating a social problem solving intervention for juvenile detainees: Depressive outcomes and moderators of effectiveness. Dev Psychopathol. 2017 Aug; 29(3):1035-1042. PMID: 27758729.
Grigorenko EL, Kornilov SA, Naumova OY. Epigenetic regulation of cognition: A circumscribed review of the field. Dev Psychopathol. 2016 Nov; 28(4pt2):1285-1304. PMID: 27691982.
Jasinska KK, Molfese PJ, Kornilov SA, Mencl WE, Frost SJ, Lee M, Pugh KR, Grigorenko EL, Landi N. The BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Influences Reading Ability and Patterns of Neural Activation in Children. PLoS One. 2016; 11(8):e0157449. PMID: 27551971; PMCID: PMC4995017.
Vaughn KA, Ramos Nuñez AI, Greene MR, Munson BA, Grigorenko EL, Hernandez AE. Individual differences in the bilingual brain: The role of language background and DRD2 genotype in verbal and non-verbal cognitive control. J Neurolinguistics. 2016 Nov; 40:112-127. PMID: 28082765.
Rakhlin N, Kornilov SA, Kornilova TV, Grigorenko EL. Syntactic Complexity Effects of Russian Relative Clause Sentences in Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. Lang Acquis. 2016; 23(4):333-360. PMID: 28626347.
Rakhlin N, Hein S, Doyle N, Hart L, Koposov R, Macomber D, Ruchkin V, Strelina A, Tan M, Grigorenko EL. Sources of heterogeneity in developmental outcomes of children with past and current experiences of institutionalization in Russia: A four-group comparison. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2017; 87(3):242-255. PMID: 27078048.
Kornilov SA, Rakhlin N, Koposov R, Lee M, Yrigollen C, Caglayan AO, Magnuson JS, Mane S, Chang JT, Grigorenko EL. Genome-Wide Association and Exome Sequencing Study of Language Disorder in an Isolated Population. Pediatrics. 2016 Apr; 137(4). PMID: 27016271; PMCID: PMC4811310 [Available on 04/01/17].
Kornilov SA, Lebedeva TV, Zhukova MA, Prikhoda NA, Korotaeva IV, Koposov RA, Hart L, Reich J, Grigorenko EL. Language development in rural and urban Russian-speaking children with and without developmental language disorder. Learn Individ Differ. 2016 Feb; 46:45-53. PMID: 27346924.
Mourgues C, Tan M, Hein S, Ojanen E, Reich J, Lyytinen H, Grigorenko EL. Paired Associate Learning Tasks and their Contribution to Reading Skills. Learn Individ Differ. 2016 Feb; 46:54-63. PMID: 27175054.
Kornilov SA, Kornilova TV, Grigorenko EL. The Cross-Cultural Invariance of Creative Cognition: A Case Study of Creative Writing in U.S. and Russian College Students. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev. 2016; 2016(151):47-59. PMID: 26994724.
Naumova OY, Hein S, Suderman M, Barbot B, Lee M, Raefski A, Dobrynin PV, Brown PJ, Szyf M, Luthar SS, Grigorenko EL. Epigenetic Patterns Modulate the Connection Between Developmental Dynamics of Parenting and Offspring Psychosocial Adjustment. Child Dev. 2016 Jan-Feb; 87(1):98-110. PMID: 26822446; PMCID: PMC4733878 [Available on 01/01/17].
Asim M, Massie CE, Orafidiya F, Pértega-Gomes N, Warren AY, Esmaeili M, Selth LA, Zecchini HI, Luko K, Qureshi A, Baridi A, Menon S, Madhu B, Escriu C, Lyons S, Vowler SL, Zecchini VR, Shaw G, Hessenkemper W, Russell R, Mohammed H, Stefanos N, Lynch AG, Grigorenko E, D'Santos C, Taylor C, Lamb A, Sriranjan R, Yang J, Stark R, Dehm SM, Rennie PS, Carroll JS, Griffiths JR, Tavaré S, Mills IG, McEwan IJ, Baniahmad A, Tilley WD, Neal DE. Choline Kinase Alpha as an Androgen Receptor Chaperone and Prostate Cancer Therapeutic Target. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2016 May; 108(5). PMID: 26657335; PMCID: PMC4849803.
Isaksson J, Grigorenko EL, Oreland L, Af Klinteberg B, Koposov RA, Ruchkin V. Exploring possible association between DßH genotype (C1021T), early onset of conduct disorder and psychopathic traits in juvenile delinquents. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2016 Dec; 266(8):771-773. PMID: 26616837.
Boivin MJ, Kakooza AM, Warf BC, Davidson LL, Grigorenko EL. Reducing neurodevelopmental disorders and disability through research and interventions. Nature. 2015 Nov 19; 527(7578):S155-60. PMID: 26580321.
Davidson LL, Grigorenko EL, Boivin MJ, Rapa E, Stein A. A focus on adolescence to reduce neurological, mental health and substance-use disability. Nature. 2015 Nov 19; 527(7578):S161-6. PMID: 26580322.
Rakhlin N, Hein S, Doyle N, Hart L, Macomber D, Ruchkin V, Tan M, Grigorenko EL. Language development of internationally adopted children: Adverse early experiences outweigh the age of acquisition effect. J Commun Disord. 2015 Sep-Oct; 57:66-80. PMID: 26385197.
Mariani J, Coppola G, Zhang P, Abyzov A, Provini L, Tomasini L, Amenduni M, Szekely A, Palejev D, Wilson M, Gerstein M, Grigorenko EL, Chawarska K, Pelphrey KA, Howe JR, Vaccarino FM. FOXG1-Dependent Dysregulation of GABA/Glutamate Neuron Differentiation in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Cell. 2015 Jul 16; 162(2):375-390. PMID: 26186191; PMCID: PMC4519016.
Barbot B, Bick J, Bentley MJ, Balestracci KM, Woolston JL, Adnopoz JA, Grigorenko EL. Changes in mental health outcomes with the intensive in-home child and adolescent psychiatric service: a multi-informant, latent consensus approach. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2016 Mar; 25(1):33-43. PMID: 26173903.
Barbot B, Krivulskaya S, Hein S, Reich J, Thuma PE, Grigorenko EL. Identifying learning patterns of children at risk for Specific Reading Disability. Dev Sci. 2016 May; 19(3):402-18. PMID: 26037654; PMCID: PMC4751058 [Available on 05/01/17].
Kornilov SA, Magnuson JS, Rakhlin N, Landi N, Grigorenko EL. Lexical processing deficits in children with developmental language disorder: An event-related potentials study. Dev Psychopathol. 2015 May; 27(2):459-76. PMID: 25997765; PMCID: PMC4606961.
Hein S, Tan M, Reich J, Thuma PE, Grigorenko EL. School effects on non-verbal intelligence and nutritional status in rural Zambia. Learn Individ Differ. 2016 Feb; 46:25-37. PMID: 27175053.
Rakhlin N, Kornilov SA, Reich J, Grigorenko EL. Interpretation of Anaphoric Dependencies in Russian-speaking Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. Lang Acquis. 2015; 22(4):355-383. PMID: 26640354.
Boulware-Gooden R, Joshi RM, Grigorenko E. The role of phonology, morphology, and orthography in English and Russian spelling. Dyslexia. 2015 May; 21(2):142-61. PMID: 25828423.
Grigorenko EL, Sullivan T, Chapman J. An investigation of gender differences in a representative sample of juveniles detained in Connecticut. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2015 Jan-Feb; 38:84-91. PMID: 25712427.
Muhamedrahimov RJ, Grigorenko EL. Seeing the trees within the forest: addressing the needs of children without parental care in the Russian Federation. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev. 2015; 2015(147):101-8. PMID: 25732021.
Grigorenko EL. Genomic sciences for developmentalists: a merge of science and practice. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev. 2015; 2015(147):5-12. PMID: 25732010.
Grigorenko EL. Preface: this issue signifies the transition of the editorship to new leadership. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev. 2015; 2015(147):3-4. PMID: 25902560.
Hein S, Reich J, Marks S, Thuma PE, Grigorenko EL. Getting Something out of Nothing: Analyzing Patterns of Null Responses to Improve Data Collection Methods in sub-Saharan Africa. Learn Individ Differ. 2016 Feb; 46:11-16. PMID: 27175051.
Bick J, Nguyen V, Leng L, Piecychna M, Crowley MJ, Bucala R, Mayes LC, Grigorenko EL. Preliminary associations between childhood neglect, MIF, and cortisol: potential pathways to long-term disease risk. Dev Psychobiol. 2015 Jan; 57(1):131-9. PMID: 25380347; PMCID: PMC4337818.
Rakhlin N, Cardoso-Martins C, Grigorenko EL. Phonemic awareness is a more important predictor of orthographic processing than rapid serial naming: Evidence from Russian. Sci Stud Read. 2014 Nov; 18(6):395-414. PMID: 25435759.
Hein S, Reich J, Thuma PE, Grigorenko EL. Physical growth and nonverbal intelligence: associations in Zambia. J Pediatr. 2014 Nov; 165(5):1017-23.e1. PMID: 25217196; PMCID: PMC4252808.
Mourgues CV, Preiss DD, Grigorenko EL. Reading skills, creativity, and insight: exploring the connections. Span J Psychol. 2014 Aug 04; 17:E58. PMID: 26055787.
Barbot B, Crossman E, Hunter SR, Grigorenko EL, Luthar SS. Reciprocal influences between maternal parenting and child adjustment in a high-risk population: a 5-year cross-lagged analysis of bidirectional effects. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2014 Sep; 84(5):567-80. PMID: 25089759; PMCID: PMC4180815.
Barbot B, Hein S, Luthar SS, Grigorenko EL. Capturing Age-group Differences and Developmental Change with the BASC Parent Rating Scales. J Appl Dev Psychol. 2014 Jul; 35(4):294-303. PMID: 25045196.
Grigorenko EL, Edwards L, Chapman J. Cannabis use among juvenile detainees: typology, frequency and association. Crim Behav Ment Health. 2015 Feb; 25(1):54-65. PMID: 24839230.
Ercan-Sencicek AG, Jambi S, Franjic D, Nishimura S, Li M, El-Fishawy P, Morgan TM, Sanders SJ, Bilguvar K, Suri M, Johnson MH, Gupta AR, Yuksel Z, Mane S, Grigorenko E, Picciotto M, Alberts AS, Gunel M, Šestan N, State MW. Homozygous loss of DIAPH1 is a novel cause of microcephaly in humans. Eur J Hum Genet. 2015 Feb; 23(2):165-72. PMID: 24781755; PMCID: PMC4297910.
Pugh KR, Frost SJ, Rothman DL, Hoeft F, Del Tufo SN, Mason GF, Molfese PJ, Mencl WE, Grigorenko EL, Landi N, Preston JL, Jacobsen L, Seidenberg MS, Fulbright RK. Glutamate and choline levels predict individual differences in reading ability in emergent readers. J Neurosci. 2014 Mar 12; 34(11):4082-9. PMID: 24623786; PMCID: PMC3951703.
Volkmar FR, Grigorenko E. Special issue: in honor of Sara S. Sparrow, Ph.D. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014 Feb; 44(2):249. PMID: 24390591.
Tan M, Reich J, Hart L, Thuma PE, Grigorenko EL. Examining the specific effects of context on adaptive behavior and achievement in a rural African community: six case studies from rural areas of Southern province, Zambia. J Autism Dev Disord. 2014 Feb; 44(2):271-82. PMID: 22391811; PMCID: PMC3183337.
Kornilov SA, Landi N, Rakhlin N, Fang SY, Grigorenko EL, Magnuson JS. Attentional but not pre-attentive neural measures of auditory discrimination are atypical in children with developmental language disorder. Dev Neuropsychol. 2014; 39(7):543-67. PMID: 25350759; PMCID: PMC4399717.
Preston JL, Molfese PJ, Mencl WE, Frost SJ, Hoeft F, Fulbright RK, Landi N, Grigorenko EL, Seki A, Felsenfeld S, Pugh KR. Structural brain differences in school-age children with residual speech sound errors. Brain Lang. 2014 Jan; 128(1):25-33. PMID: 24342151; PMCID: PMC3926206.
Undurraga EA, Behrman JR, Grigorenko EL, Schultz A, Yiu J, Godoy RA. Math skills and market and non-market outcomes: Evidence from an Amazonian society of forager-farmers. Econ Educ Rev. 2013 Dec; 37. PMID: 24327793.
Reich J, Hein S, Krivulskaya S, Hart L, Gumkowski N, Grigorenko EL. Associations between household responsibilities and academic competencies in the context of education accessibility in Zambia. Learn Individ Differ. 2013 Oct 01; 27. PMID: 24347996.
Grigorenko EL, Macomber D, Hart L, Naples A, Chapman J, Geib CF, Chart H, Tan M, Wolhendler B, Wagner R. Academic Achievement Among Juvenile Detainees. J Learn Disabil. 2015 Jul-Aug; 48(4):359-68. PMID: 24064502.
Campbell D, Bick J, Yrigollen CM, Lee M, Joseph A, Chang JT, Grigorenko EL. Schooling and variation in the COMT gene: the devil is in the details. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2013 Oct; 54(10):1056-65. PMID: 23952646; PMCID: PMC3786416.
Rakhlin N, Cardoso-Martins C, Kornilov SA, Grigorenko EL. Spelling well despite developmental language disorder: what makes it possible? Ann Dyslexia. 2013 Oct; 63(3-4):253-73. PMID: 23860907; PMCID: PMC3787991.
Bentley MJ, Lin H, Fernandez TV, Lee M, Yrigollen CM, Pakstis AJ, Katsovich L, Olds DL, Grigorenko EL, Leckman JF. Gene variants associated with antisocial behaviour: a latent variable approach. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2013 Oct; 54(10):1074-85. PMID: 23822756; PMCID: PMC3766409.
Barbot B, Hunter SR, Grigorenko EL, Luthar SS. Dynamic of Change in Pathological Personality Trait Dimensions: A Latent Change Analysis Among at-Risk Women. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2013 Jun 01; 35(2):173-185. PMID: 23710108.
Rakhlin N, Kornilov SA, Grigorenko EL. Gender and agreement processing in children with developmental language disorder. J Child Lang. 2014 Mar; 41(2):241-74. PMID: 23390959; PMCID: PMC4573562.
Dahlin A, Geier E, Stocker SL, Cropp CD, Grigorenko E, Bloomer M, Siegenthaler J, Xu L, Basile AS, Tang-Liu DD, Giacomini KM. Gene expression profiling of transporters in the solute carrier and ATP-binding cassette superfamilies in human eye substructures. Mol Pharm. 2013 Feb 04; 10(2):650-63. PMID: 23268600; PMCID: PMC4032224.
Patel SN, Wu Y, Bao Y, Mancebo R, Au-Young J, Grigorenko E. TaqMan® OpenArray® high-throughput transcriptional analysis of human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2013; 997:191-201. PMID: 23546757.
Grigorenko EL, Dozier M. Introduction to the special section on genomics. Child Dev. 2013 Jan-Feb; 84(1):6-16. PMID: 23350524; PMCID: PMC3688639.
Chirkina GV, Grigorenko EL. Tracking citations: a science detective story. J Learn Disabil. 2014 Jul-Aug; 47(4):366-73. PMID: 23270837.
Thompson TM, Sharfi D, Lee M, Yrigollen CM, Naumova OY, Grigorenko EL. Comparison of whole-genome DNA methylation patterns in whole blood, saliva, and lymphoblastoid cell lines. Behav Genet. 2013 Mar; 43(2):168-76. PMID: 23269419; PMCID: PMC3577999.
Abyzov A, Mariani J, Palejev D, Zhang Y, Haney MS, Tomasini L, Ferrandino AF, Rosenberg Belmaker LA, Szekely A, Wilson M, Kocabas A, Calixto NE, Grigorenko EL, Huttner A, Chawarska K, Weissman S, Urban AE, Gerstein M, Vaccarino FM. Somatic copy number mosaicism in human skin revealed by induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature. 2012 Dec 20; 492(7429):438-42. PMID: 23160490; PMCID: PMC3532053.
Naumova OY, Lee M, Rychkov SY, Vlasova NV, Grigorenko EL. Gene expression in the human brain: the current state of the study of specificity and spatiotemporal dynamics. Child Dev. 2013 Jan-Feb; 84(1):76-88. PMID: 23145569; PMCID: PMC3557706.
Naples A, Katz L, Grigorenko EL. Lexical decision as an endophenotype for reading comprehension: an exploration of an association. Dev Psychopathol. 2012 Nov; 24(4):1345-60. PMID: 23062302; PMCID: PMC3541527.
Grigorenko EL, Cicchetti D. Genomic sciences for developmentalists: the current state of affairs. Dev Psychopathol. 2012 Nov; 24(4):1157-64. PMID: 23062288.
Bick J, Naumova O, Hunter S, Barbot B, Lee M, Luthar SS, Raefski A, Grigorenko EL. Childhood adversity and DNA methylation of genes involved in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and immune system: whole-genome and candidate-gene associations. Dev Psychopathol. 2012 Nov; 24(4):1417-25. PMID: 23062307; PMCID: PMC3755948.
Naumova OY, Palejev D, Vlasova NV, Lee M, Rychkov SY, Babich ON, M Vaccarino F, Grigorenko EL. Age-related changes of gene expression in the neocortex: preliminary data on RNA-Seq of the transcriptome in three functionally distinct cortical areas. Dev Psychopathol. 2012 Nov; 24(4):1427-42. PMID: 23062308; PMCID: PMC3539811.
Landi N, Frost SJ, Mencl WE, Preston JL, Jacobsen LK, Lee M, Yrigollen C, Pugh KR, Grigorenko EL. The COMT Val/Met polymorphism is associated with reading-related skills and consistent patterns of functional neural activation. Dev Sci. 2013 Jan; 16(1):13-23. PMID: 23278923; PMCID: PMC3655431.
Pugh KR, Landi N, Preston JL, Mencl WE, Austin AC, Sibley D, Fulbright RK, Seidenberg MS, Grigorenko EL, Constable RT, Molfese P, Frost SJ. The relationship between phonological and auditory processing and brain organization in beginning readers. Brain Lang. 2013 May; 125(2):173-83. PMID: 22572517; PMCID: PMC3417084.
Barbot B, Haeffel GJ, Macomber D, Hart L, Chapman J, Grigorenko EL. Development and validation of the Delinquency Reduction Outcome Profile (DROP) in a sample of incarcerated juveniles: a multiconstruct/multisituational scoring approach. Psychol Assess. 2012 Dec; 24(4):901-12. PMID: 22545698.
Shehzad Z, DeYoung CG, Kang Y, Grigorenko EL, Gray JR. Interaction of COMT val158met and externalizing behavior: relation to prefrontal brain activity and behavioral performance. Neuroimage. 2012 May 01; 60(4):2158-68. PMID: 22306803.
Grigorenko EL. Commentary: translating quantitative genetics into molecular genetics: decoupling reading disorder and ADHD - reflections on Greven et al. and Rosenberg et al. (2012). J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2012 Mar; 53(3):252-3. PMID: 22260725.
Preston JL, Felsenfeld S, Frost SJ, Mencl WE, Fulbright RK, Grigorenko EL, Landi N, Seki A, Pugh KR. Functional brain activation differences in school-age children with speech sound errors: speech and print processing. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2012 Aug; 55(4):1068-82. PMID: 22232410; PMCID: PMC3427927.
Haeffel GJ, Eastman M, Grigorenko EL. Using a cognitive endophenotype to identify risk genes for depression. Neurosci Lett. 2012 Feb 21; 510(1):10-3. PMID: 22240101.
Naples A, Katz L, Grigorenko EL. Reading and a diffusion model analysis of reaction time. Dev Neuropsychol. 2012; 37(4):299-316. PMID: 22612543; PMCID: PMC3388803.
Ercan-Sencicek AG, Davis Wright NR, Sanders SJ, Oakman N, Valdes L, Bakkaloglu B, Doyle N, Yrigollen CM, Morgan TM, Grigorenko EL. A balanced t(10;15) translocation in a male patient with developmental language disorder. Eur J Med Genet. 2012 Feb; 55(2):128-31. PMID: 22266071; PMCID: PMC3322462.
Gulhan Ercan-Sencicek A, Davis Wright NR, Frost SJ, Fulbright RK, Felsenfeld S, Hart L, Landi N, Einar Mencl W, Sanders SJ, Pugh KR, State MW, Grigorenko EL. Searching for Potocki-Lupski syndrome phenotype: a patient with language impairment and no autism. Brain Dev. 2012 Sep; 34(8):700-3. PMID: 22178197; PMCID: PMC3343226.
Mandelman SD, Grigorenko EL. BDNF Val66Met and cognition: all, none, or some? A meta-analysis of the genetic association. Genes Brain Behav. 2012 Mar; 11(2):127-36. PMID: 21980924; PMCID: PMC3268899.
Naumova OY, Lee M, Koposov R, Szyf M, Dozier M, Grigorenko EL. Differential patterns of whole-genome DNA methylation in institutionalized children and children raised by their biological parents. Dev Psychopathol. 2012 Feb; 24(1):143-55. PMID: 22123582; PMCID: PMC3470853.
Donnelly MP, Paschou P, Grigorenko E, Gurwitz D, Barta C, Lu RB, Zhukova OV, Kim JJ, Siniscalco M, New M, Li H, Kajuna SL, Manolopoulos VG, Speed WC, Pakstis AJ, Kidd JR, Kidd KK. A global view of the OCA2-HERC2 region and pigmentation. Hum Genet. 2012 May; 131(5):683-96. PMID: 22065085; PMCID: PMC3325407.
Deyoung CG, Cicchetti D, Rogosch FA, Gray JR, Eastman M, Grigorenko EL. Sources of Cognitive Exploration: Genetic Variation in the Prefrontal Dopamine System Predicts Openness/Intellect. J Res Pers. 2011 Aug 01; 45(4):364-371. PMID: 21804655.
Rakhlin N, Kornilov SA, Reich J, Babyonyshev M, Koposov RA, Grigorenko EL. The Relationship between Syntactic Development and Theory of Mind: Evidence from a Small-Population Study of a Developmental Language Disorder. J Neurolinguistics. 2011 Jul 01; 24(4):476-496. PMID: 21743776.
Jeltova I, Birney D, Fredine N, Jarvin L, Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL. Making instruction and assessment responsive to diverse students' progress: group-administered dynamic assessment in teaching mathematics. J Learn Disabil. 2011 Jul-Aug; 44(4):381-95. PMID: 21965254.
Vaccarino FM, Stevens HE, Kocabas A, Palejev D, Szekely A, Grigorenko EL, Weissman S. Induced pluripotent stem cells: a new tool to confront the challenge of neuropsychiatric disorders. Neuropharmacology. 2011 Jun; 60(7-8):1355-63. PMID: 21371482; PMCID: PMC3087494.
Kavitskaya D, Babyonyshev M, Walls T, Grigorenko E. Investigating the effects of syllable complexity in Russian-speaking children with SLI. J Child Lang. 2011 Nov; 38(5):979-98. PMID: 21310096.
Skiba T, Landi N, Wagner R, Grigorenko EL. In search of the perfect phenotype: an analysis of linkage and association studies of reading and reading-related processes. Behav Genet. 2011 Jan; 41(1):6-30. PMID: 21243420; PMCID: PMC3056345.
Palejev D, Hwang W, Landi N, Eastman M, Frost SJ, Fulbright RK, Kidd JR, Kidd KK, Mason GF, Mencl WE, Yrigollen C, Pugh KR, Grigorenko EL. An application of the elastic net for an endophenotype analysis. Behav Genet. 2011 Jan; 41(1):120-4. PMID: 21229297; PMCID: PMC3613288.
Vaccarino FM, Urban AE, Stevens HE, Szekely A, Abyzov A, Grigorenko EL, Gerstein M, Weissman S. Annual Research Review: The promise of stem cell research for neuropsychiatric disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2011 Apr; 52(4):504-16. PMID: 21204834; PMCID: PMC3124336.
Grigorenko EL, Geiser C, Slobodskaya HR, Francis DJ. Cross-informant symptoms from CBCL, TRF, and YSR: trait and method variance in a normative sample of Russian youths. Psychol Assess. 2010 Dec; 22(4):893-911. PMID: 21133549; PMCID: PMC4315166.
Grigorenko EL, Urban AE, Mencl E. Behavior, brain, and genome in genomic disorders: finding the correspondences. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2010 Sep; 31(7):602-9. PMID: 20814258; PMCID: PMC4124614.
Smith SD, Grigorenko E, Willcutt E, Pennington BF, Olson RK, DeFries JC. Etiologies and molecular mechanisms of communication disorders. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2010 Sep; 31(7):555-63. PMID: 20814255; PMCID: PMC2943674.
Macomber D, Skiba T, Blackmon J, Esposito E, Hart L, Mambrino E, Richie T, Grigorenko EL. Education in Juvenile Detention Facilities in the State of Connecticut: A Glance at the System. J Correct Educ (Glen Mills). 2010 Sep; 61(3):223-261. PMID: 26379367.
Preston JL, Frost SJ, Mencl WE, Fulbright RK, Landi N, Grigorenko E, Jacobsen L, Pugh KR. Early and late talkers: school-age language, literacy and neurolinguistic differences. Brain. 2010 Aug; 133(Pt 8):2185-95. PMID: 20826428; PMCID: PMC3139938.
Randi J, Newman T, Grigorenko EL. Teaching children with autism to read for meaning: challenges and possibilities. J Autism Dev Disord. 2010 Jul; 40(7):890-902. PMID: 20101452; PMCID: PMC2892026.
Grigorenko EL, De Young CG, Eastman M, Getchell M, Haeffel GJ, Klinteberg Ba, Koposov RA, Oreland L, Pakstis AJ, Ponomarev OA, Ruchkin VV, Singh JP, Yrigollen CM. Aggressive behavior, related conduct problems, and variation in genes affecting dopamine turnover. Aggress Behav. 2010 May-Jun; 36(3):158-76. PMID: 20127808.
DeYoung CG, Getchell M, Koposov RA, Yrigollen CM, Haeffel GJ, af Klinteberg B, Oreland L, Ruchkin VV, Pakstis AJ, Grigorenko EL. Variation in the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val 158 Met polymorphism associated with conduct disorder and ADHD symptoms, among adolescent male delinquents. Psychiatr Genet. 2010 Feb; 20(1):20-4. PMID: 19997043; PMCID: PMC2895253.
Donnelly MP, Paschou P, Grigorenko E, Gurwitz D, Mehdi SQ, Kajuna SL, Barta C, Kungulilo S, Karoma NJ, Lu RB, Zhukova OV, Kim JJ, Comas D, Siniscalco M, New M, Li P, Li H, Manolopoulos VG, Speed WC, Rajeevan H, Pakstis AJ, Kidd JR, Kidd KK. The distribution and most recent common ancestor of the 17q21 inversion in humans. Am J Hum Genet. 2010 Feb 12; 86(2):161-71. PMID: 20116045; PMCID: PMC2820164.
Jukes MC, Grigorenko EL. Assessment of cognitive abilities in multiethnic countries: the case of the Wolof and Mandinka in the Gambia. Br J Educ Psychol. 2010 Mar; 80(Pt 1):77-97. PMID: 19857377.
Grigorenko EL. At the height of fashion: what genetics can teach us about neurodevelopmental disabilities. Curr Opin Neurol. 2009 Apr; 22(2):126-30. PMID: 19532035; PMCID: PMC2891771.
Frost SJ, Landi N, Mencl WE, Sandak R, Fulbright RK, Tejada ET, Jacobsen L, Grigorenko EL, Constable RT, Pugh KR. Phonological awareness predicts activation patterns for print and speech. Ann Dyslexia. 2009 Jun; 59(1):78-97. PMID: 19306061; PMCID: PMC2720826.
Grigorenko EL. Pathogenesis of autism: a patchwork of genetic causes. Future Neurol. 2009; 4(5):591-599. PMID: 19953194.
Hirunsatit R, George ED, Lipska BK, Elwafi HM, Sander L, Yrigollen CM, Gelernter J, Grigorenko EL, Lappalainen J, Mane S, Nairn AC, Kleinman JE, Simen AA. Twenty-one-base-pair insertion polymorphism creates an enhancer element and potentiates SLC6A1 GABA transporter promoter activity. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2009 Jan; 19(1):53-65. PMID: 19077666; PMCID: PMC2791799.
Grigorenko EL. Speaking genes or genes for speaking? Deciphering the genetics of speech and language. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Jan; 50(1-2):116-25. PMID: 19220595; PMCID: PMC4108247.
Grigorenko EL. Dynamic assessment and response to intervention: two sides of one coin. J Learn Disabil. 2009 Mar-Apr; 42(2):111-32. PMID: 19073895; PMCID: PMC3575109.
Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL, Zhang LF. A Reply to Two Stylish Critiques: Response to Hunt (2008) and Mayer (2008). Perspect Psychol Sci. 2008 Nov; 3(6):516-7. PMID: 26158977.
Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL, Zhang LF. Styles of Learning and Thinking Matter in Instruction and Assessment. Perspect Psychol Sci. 2008 Nov; 3(6):486-506. PMID: 26158974.
Naples AJ, Chang JT, Katz L, Grigorenko EL. Same or different? Insights into the etiology of phonological awareness and rapid naming. Biol Psychol. 2009 Feb; 80(2):226-39. PMID: 19007845; PMCID: PMC2708917.
Vaccarino FM, Grigorenko EL, Smith KM, Stevens HE. Regulation of cerebral cortical size and neuron number by fibroblast growth factors: implications for autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2009 Mar; 39(3):511-20. PMID: 18850329; PMCID: PMC2847619.
Grigorenko EL, Han SS, Yrigollen CM, Leng L, Mizue Y, Anderson GM, Mulder EJ, de Bildt A, Minderaa RB, Volkmar FR, Chang JT, Bucala R. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor and autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics. 2008 Aug; 122(2):e438-45. PMID: 18676531; PMCID: PMC3816765.
Yrigollen CM, Han SS, Kochetkova A, Babitz T, Chang JT, Volkmar FR, Leckman JF, Grigorenko EL. Genes controlling affiliative behavior as candidate genes for autism. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 May 15; 63(10):911-6. PMID: 18207134; PMCID: PMC2386897.
Haeffel GJ, Getchell M, Koposov RA, Yrigollen CM, Deyoung CG, Klinteberg BA, Oreland L, Ruchkin VV, Grigorenko EL. Association between polymorphisms in the dopamine transporter gene and depression: evidence for a gene-environment interaction in a sample of juvenile detainees. Psychol Sci. 2008 Jan; 19(1):62-9. PMID: 18181793.
Grigorenko EL. Rethinking disorders of spoken and written language: generating workable hypotheses. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2007 Dec; 28(6):478-86. PMID: 18091095.
Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL. The Difficulty of Escaping Preconceptions in Writing an Article About the Difficulty of Escaping Preconceptions: Commentary on Hunt and Carlson (2007). Perspect Psychol Sci. 2007 Jun; 2(2):221-3. PMID: 26151963.
Newman TM, Macomber D, Naples AJ, Babitz T, Volkmar F, Grigorenko EL. Hyperlexia in children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2007 Apr; 37(4):760-74. PMID: 17048093.
Haeffel GJ, Grigorenko EL. Cognitive vulnerability to depression: exploring risk and resilience. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2007 Apr; 16(2):435-48, x. PMID: 17349517.
Grigorenko EL, Jarvin L, Kaani B, Kapungulya PP, Kwiatkowski J, Sternberg RJ. Risk factors and resilience in the developing world: one of many lessons to learn. Dev Psychopathol. 2007; 19(3):747-65. PMID: 17705901.
Grigorenko EL, Deyoung CG, Getchell M, Haeffel GJ, Klinteberg BA, Koposov RA, Oreland L, Pakstis AJ, Ruchkin VV, Yrigollen CM. Exploring interactive effects of genes and environments in etiology of individual differences in reading comprehension. Dev Psychopathol. 2007; 19(4):1089-103. PMID: 17931436.
Jukes MC, Pinder M, Grigorenko EL, Smith HB, Walraven G, Bariau EM, Sternberg RJ, Drake LJ, Milligan P, Cheung YB, Greenwood BM, Bundy DA. Long-term impact of malaria chemoprophylaxis on cognitive abilities and educational attainment: follow-up of a controlled trial. PLoS Clin Trials. 2006 Aug 18; 1(4):e19. PMID: 17013430; PMCID: PMC1851720.
Grigorenko EL. Learning disabilities in juvenile offenders. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2006 Apr; 15(2):353-71, viii. PMID: 16527660.
Kidd KK, Pakstis AJ, Speed WC, Grigorenko EL, Kajuna SL, Karoma NJ, Kungulilo S, Kim JJ, Lu RB, Odunsi A, Okonofua F, Parnas J, Schulz LO, Zhukova OV, Kidd JR. Developing a SNP panel for forensic identification of individuals. Forensic Sci Int. 2006 Dec 01; 164(1):20-32. PMID: 16360294.
Han Y, Oota H, Osier MV, Pakstis AJ, Speed WC, Odunsi A, Okonofua F, Kajuna SL, Karoma NJ, Kungulilo S, Grigorenko E, Zhukova OV, Bonne-Tamir B, Lu RB, Parnas J, Schulz LO, Kidd JR, Kidd KK. Considerable haplotype diversity within the 23kb encompassing the ADH7 gene. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2005 Dec; 29(12):2091-100. PMID: 16385178.
Devlin B, Cook EH, Coon H, Dawson G, Grigorenko EL, McMahon W, Minshew N, Pauls D, Smith M, Spence MA, Rodier PM, Stodgell C, Schellenberg GD. Autism and the serotonin transporter: the long and short of it. Mol Psychiatry. 2005 Dec; 10(12):1110-6. PMID: 16103890.
Ruchkin VV, Koposov RA, af Klinteberg B, Oreland L, Grigorenko EL. Platelet MAO-B, personality, and psychopathology. J Abnorm Psychol. 2005 Aug; 114(3):477-82. PMID: 16117585.
Zhuang SY, Bridges D, Grigorenko E, McCloud S, Boon A, Hampson RE, Deadwyler SA. Cannabinoids produce neuroprotection by reducing intracellular calcium release from ryanodine-sensitive stores. Neuropharmacology. 2005 Jun; 48(8):1086-96. PMID: 15910885.
Grigorenko EL. The inherent complexities of gene-environment interactions. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2005 Mar; 60 Spec No 1:53-64. PMID: 15863710.
Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL, Kidd KK. Intelligence, race, and genetics. Am Psychol. 2005 Jan; 60(1):46-59. PMID: 15641921.
Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL. Intelligence and culture: how culture shapes what intelligence means, and the implications for a science of well-being. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2004 Sep 29; 359(1449):1427-34. PMID: 15347533; PMCID: PMC1693428.
Palmatier MA, Pakstis AJ, Speed W, Paschou P, Goldman D, Odunsi A, Okonofua F, Kajuna S, Karoma N, Kungulilo S, Grigorenko E, Zhukova OV, Bonne-Tamir B, Lu RB, Parnas J, Kidd JR, DeMille MM, Kidd KK. COMT haplotypes suggest P2 promoter region relevance for schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry. 2004 Sep; 9(9):859-70. PMID: 15098000.
Devlin B, Bennett P, Dawson G, Figlewicz DA, Grigorenko EL, McMahon W, Minshew N, Pauls D, Smith M, Spence MA, Rodier PM, Stodgell C, Schellenberg GD. Alleles of a reelin CGG repeat do not convey liability to autism in a sample from the CPEA network. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2004 Apr 01; 126B(1):46-50. PMID: 15048647.
Oota H, Pakstis AJ, Bonne-Tamir B, Goldman D, Grigorenko E, Kajuna SL, Karoma NJ, Kungulilo S, Lu RB, Odunsi K, Okonofua F, Zhukova OV, Kidd JR, Kidd KK. The evolution and population genetics of the ALDH2 locus: random genetic drift, selection, and low levels of recombination. Ann Hum Genet. 2004 Mar; 68(Pt 2):93-109. PMID: 15008789.
Grigorenko EL, Klin A, Volkmar F. Annotation: Hyperlexia: disability or superability? J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2003 Nov; 44(8):1079-91. PMID: 14626452.
Grigorenko EL. The first candidate gene for dyslexia: Turning the page of a new chapter of research. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30; 100(20):11190-2. PMID: 14506298; PMCID: PMC208730.
Grigorenko EL, Wood FB, Golovyan L, Meyer M, Romano C, Pauls D. Continuing the search for dyslexia genes on 6p. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2003 Apr 01; 118B(1):89-98. PMID: 12627473.
Grigorenko EL, Pauls DL. Analytical methods applied to psychiatric genetics. Methods Mol Med. 2003; 77:23-61. PMID: 12298373.
DeMille MM, Kidd JR, Ruggeri V, Palmatier MA, Goldman D, Odunsi A, Okonofua F, Grigorenko E, Schulz LO, Bonne-Tamir B, Lu RB, Parnas J, Pakstis AJ, Kidd KK. Population variation in linkage disequilibrium across the COMT gene considering promoter region and coding region variation. Hum Genet. 2002 Dec; 111(6):521-37. PMID: 12436243.
Devlin B, Bennett P, Cook EH, Dawson G, Gonen D, Grigorenko EL, McMahon W, Pauls D, Smith M, Spence MA, Schellenberg GD. No evidence for linkage of liability to autism to HOXA1 in a sample from the CPEA network. Am J Med Genet. 2002 Aug 08; 114(6):667-72. PMID: 12210285.
Garpenstrand H, Longato-Stadler E, af Klinteberg B, Grigorenko E, Damberg M, Oreland L, Hallman J. Low platelet monoamine oxidase activity in Swedish imprisoned criminal offenders. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2002 Apr; 12(2):135-40. PMID: 11872330.
Grigorenko EL, Klin A, Pauls DL, Senft R, Hooper C, Volkmar F. A descriptive study of hyperlexia in a clinically referred sample of children with developmental delays. J Autism Dev Disord. 2002 Feb; 32(1):3-12. PMID: 11916330.
Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL. Unified psychology. Am Psychol. 2001 Dec; 56(12):1069-79. PMID: 11802643.
Wood FB, Grigorenko EL. Emerging issues in the genetics of dyslexia: a methodological preview. J Learn Disabil. 2001 Nov-Dec; 34(6):503-11. PMID: 15503565.
Bothwell S, Meredith GE, Phillips J, Staunton H, Doherty C, Grigorenko E, Glazier S, Deadwyler SA, O'Donovan CA, Farrell M. Neuronal hypertrophy in the neocortex of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. J Neurosci. 2001 Jul 01; 21(13):4789-800. PMID: 11425906.
Hisama FM, Gruen JR, Choi J, Huseinovic M, Grigorenko EL, Pauls D, Mattson RH, Gelernter J, Wood FB, Goei VL. Human GABA(B) receptor 1 gene: eight novel sequence variants. Hum Mutat. 2001 Apr; 17(4):349-50. PMID: 11295833.
Grigorenko EL, Wood FB, Meyer MS, Pauls JE, Hart LA, Pauls DL. Linkage studies suggest a possible locus for developmental dyslexia on chromosome 1p. Am J Med Genet. 2001 Jan 08; 105(1):120-9. PMID: 11424982.
Grigorenko EL. Developmental dyslexia: an update on genes, brains, and environments. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2001 Jan; 42(1):91-125. PMID: 11205626.
Calafell F, Grigorenko EL, Chikanian AA, Kidd KK. Haplotype evolution and linkage disequilibrium: A simulation study. Hum Hered. 2001; 51(1-2):85-96. PMID: 11096275.
Kidd JR, Pakstis AJ, Zhao H, Lu RB, Okonofua FE, Odunsi A, Grigorenko E, Tamir BB, Friedlaender J, Schulz LO, Parnas J, Kidd KK. Haplotypes and linkage disequilibrium at the phenylalanine hydroxylase locus, PAH, in a global representation of populations. Am J Hum Genet. 2000 Jun; 66(6):1882-99. PMID: 10788337; PMCID: PMC1378054.
Grigorenko EL, Wood FB, Meyer MS, Pauls DL. Chromosome 6p influences on different dyslexia-related cognitive processes: further confirmation. Am J Hum Genet. 2000 Feb; 66(2):715-23. PMID: 10677331; PMCID: PMC1288124.
Sternberg RJ, Grigorenko EL. Genetics of childhood disorders: I. Genetics and intelligence. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1999 Apr; 38(4):486-8. PMID: 10199123.
Ickovics JR, Druley JA, Morrill AC, Grigorenko E, Rodin J. "A grief observed": the experience of HIV-related illness and death among women in a clinic-based sample in New Haven, Connecticut. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1998 Dec; 66(6):958-66. PMID: 9874909.
Ickovics JR, Druley JA, Grigorenko EL, Morrill AC, Beren SE, Rodin J. Long-term effects of HIV counseling and testing for women: behavioral and psychological consequences are limited at 18 months posttest. Health Psychol. 1998 Sep; 17(5):395-402. PMID: 9775997.
Grigorenko EL. Russian "defectology": anticipating Perestroika in the field. J Learn Disabil. 1998 Mar-Apr; 31(2):193-207. PMID: 9529790.
Grigorenko E, Glazier S, Bell W, Tytell M, Nosel E, Pons T, Deadwyler SA. Changes in glutamate receptor subunit composition in hippocampus and cortex in patients with refractory epilepsy. J Neurol Sci. 1997 Dec 09; 153(1):35-45. PMID: 9455976.
Messi ML, Renganathan M, Grigorenko E, Delbono O. Activation of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor promotes survival of spinal cord motoneurons. FEBS Lett. 1997 Jul 07; 411(1):32-8. PMID: 9247137.
Grigorenko EL, Wood FB, Meyer MS, Hart LA, Speed WC, Shuster A, Pauls DL. Susceptibility loci for distinct components of developmental dyslexia on chromosomes 6 and 15. Am J Hum Genet. 1997 Jan; 60(1):27-39. PMID: 8981944; PMCID: PMC1712535.
Grigorenko EL, Chang JT. An extension of affected-pedigree-member analyses to triads of relatives. Genet Epidemiol. 1997; 14(6):1005-10. PMID: 9433615.
Grigorenko EL, Shikanian AA, Kidd DR, Dorig R, Kidd KK. [Dynamics of the haplotype frequencies in populations: study using the Monte Carlo method]. Genetika. 1996 Dec; 32(12):1705-13. PMID: 9102365.
Carter AS, Grigorenko EL, Pauls DL. A Russian adaptation of the Child Behavior Checklist: psychometric properties and associations with child and maternal affective symptomatology and family function. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 1995 Dec; 23(6):661-84. PMID: 8609307.
Castiglione CM, Deinard AS, Speed WC, Sirugo G, Rosenbaum HC, Zhang Y, Grandy DK, Grigorenko EL, Bonne-Tamir B, Pakstis AJ, et al. Evolution of haplotypes at the DRD2 locus. Am J Hum Genet. 1995 Dec; 57(6):1445-56. PMID: 8533775; PMCID: PMC1801414.
Grigorenko EL, LaBuda MC, Carter AS. Similarity in general cognitive ability, creativity, and cognitive style in a sample of adolescent Russian twins. Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma). 1992; 41(1):65-72. PMID: 1488859.
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