David Francis
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Houston |
Department | Psychology |
Address | 4800 Calhoun Rd Houston TX 77004
Phone | 832-842-7036 |
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Research R01HD028172 (FRANCIS, DAVID J)Jun 1, 1992 - May 31, 1997 NIH/NICHD DETECTING READING PROBLEMS BY MODELING INDIVIDUAL GROWTH Role: Principal Investigator |
| P01HD039521 (FRANCIS, DAVID J)Sep 15, 2000 - May 31, 2007 NIH/NICHD ORACY/LITERACY DEVELOPMENT IN SPANISH-SPEAKING CHILDREN Role: Principal Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Taylor WP, Miciak J, Fletcher JM, Francis DJ. Cognitive discrepancy models for specific learning disabilities identification: Simulations of psychometric limitations. Psychol Assess. 2017 Apr; 29(4):446-457. PMID: 27504902.
Barnes MA, Stuebing K, Fletcher JM, Barth A, Francis D. Cognitive Difficulties in Struggling Comprehenders and their Relation to Reading Comprehension: A Comparison of Group Selection and Regression-Based Models. J Res Educ Eff. 2016 Apr 02; 9(2):153-172. PMID: 27175222.
McIntyre TM, McIntyre SE, Barr CD, Woodward PS, Francis DJ, Durand AC, Mehta P, Kamarck TW. Longitudinal study of the feasibility of using ecological momentary assessment to study teacher stress: Objective and self-reported measures. J Occup Health Psychol. 2016 Oct; 21(4):403-414. PMID: 26652265.
Barth AE, Barnes M, Francis DJ, Vaughn S, York M. Inferential Processing among Adequate and Struggling Adolescent Comprehenders and Relations to Reading Comprehension. Read Writ. 2015 May 01; 28(5):587-609. PMID: 26166946.
Barnes MA, Ahmed Y, Barth A, Francis DJ. The Relation of Knowledge-Text Integration Processes and Reading Comprehension in 7th- to 12th-Grade Students. Sci Stud Read. 2015; 19(4):253-272. PMID: 26997861.
Santi KL, Kulesz PA, Khalaf S, Francis DJ. Developmental changes in reading do not alter the development of visual processing skills: an application of explanatory item response models in grades K-2. Front Psychol. 2015; 6:116. PMID: 25717311; PMCID: PMC4324080.
Santi KL, Francis DJ, Currie D, Wang Q. Visual-motor integration skills: accuracy of predicting reading. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Feb; 92(2):217-26. PMID: 25479446.
Kulesz PA, Tian S, Juranek J, Fletcher JM, Francis DJ. Relations between volumetric measures of brain structure and attentional function in spina bifida: utilization of robust statistical approaches. Neuropsychology. 2015 Mar; 29(2):212-25. PMID: 25495830; PMCID: PMC4369908.
Barth AE, Stuebing KK, Fletcher JM, Denton CA, Vaughn S, Francis D. The Effect of Reading Duration on the Reliability and Validity of Middle School Students' ORF Performance. Assess Eff Interv. 2014 Dec; 40(1):53-64. PMID: 25541580.
Barth AE, Tolar TD, Fletcher JM, Francis D. The Effects of Student and Text Characteristics on the Oral Reading Fluency of Middle-Grade Students. J Educ Psychol. 2014 Feb; 106(1):162-180. PMID: 24567659.
Tolar TD, Barth AE, Fletcher JM, Francis DJ, Vaughn S. Predicting reading outcomes with progress monitoring slopes among middle grade students. Learn Individ Differ. 2014 Feb 01; 30:46-57. PMID: 24659899.
Fletcher JM, Stuebing KK, Barth AE, Miciak J, Francis DJ, Denton CA. AGREEMENT AND COVERAGE OF INDICATORS OF RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION: A MULTI-METHOD COMPARISON AND SIMULATION. Top Lang Disord. 2014 Jan; 34(1):74-89. PMID: 25364090.
Denton CA, Tolar TD, Fletcher JM, Barth AE, Vaughn S, Francis DJ. Effects of Tier 3 Intervention for Students With Persistent Reading Difficulties and Characteristics of Inadequate Responders. J Educ Psychol. 2013 Aug; 105(3):633-648. PMID: 25308995.
Phillips BM, Piasta SB, Anthony JL, Lonigan CJ, Francis DJ. IRTs of the ABCs: children's letter name acquisition. J Sch Psychol. 2012 Aug; 50(4):461-81. PMID: 22710016; PMCID: PMC4322910.
Barth AE, Stuebing KK, Fletcher JM, Cirino PT, Romain M, Francis D, Vaughn S. Reliability and Validity of Oral Reading Fluency Median and Mean Scores among Middle Grade Readers When Using Equated Texts. Read Psychol. 2012; 33(1-2):133-161. PMID: 23087532.
Stuebing KK, Fletcher JM, Branum-Martin L, Francis DJ. Evaluation of the Technical Adequacy of Three Methods for Identifying Specific Learning Disabilities Based on Cognitive Discrepancies. School Psych Rev. 2012; 41(1):3-22. PMID: 23060685.
Tolar TD, Barth AE, Francis DJ, Fletcher JM, Stuebing KK, Vaughn S. Psychometric Properties of Maze Tasks in Middle School Students. Assess Eff Interv. 2012 Jun; 37(3):131-146. PMID: 23125552.
Vaughn S, Wexler J, Roberts G, Barth AA, Cirino PT, Romain MA, Francis D, Fletcher J, Denton CA. Effects of Individualized and Standardized Interventions on Middle School Students With Reading Disabilities. Except Child. 2011 May; 77(4):391-407. PMID: 23125463.
Denton CA, Barth AE, Fletcher JM, Wexler J, Vaughn S, Cirino PT, Romain M, Francis DJ. The Relations Among Oral and Silent Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Middle School: Implications for Identification and Instruction of Students With Reading Difficulties. Sci Stud Read. 2011 Jan 13; 15(2):109-135. PMID: 21637727.
Denton CA, Cirino PT, Barth AE, Romain M, Vaughn S, Wexler J, Francis DJ, Fletcher JM. An Experimental Study of Scheduling and Duration of "Tier 2" First-Grade Reading Intervention. J Res Educ Eff. 2011 Jan 01; 4(3):208-230. PMID: 21796271.
Fletcher JM, Stuebing KK, Barth AE, Denton CA, Cirino PT, Francis DJ, Vaughn S. Cognitive Correlates of Inadequate Response to Reading Intervention. School Psych Rev. 2011; 40(1):3-22. PMID: 23125475.
Grigorenko EL, Geiser C, Slobodskaya HR, Francis DJ. Cross-informant symptoms from CBCL, TRF, and YSR: trait and method variance in a normative sample of Russian youths. Psychol Assess. 2010 Dec; 22(4):893-911. PMID: 21133549; PMCID: PMC4315166.
Barth AE, Denton CA, Stuebing KK, Fletcher JM, Cirino PT, Francis DJ, Vaughn S. A test of the cerebellar hypothesis of dyslexia in adequate and inadequate responders to reading intervention. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2010 May; 16(3):526-36. PMID: 20298639; PMCID: PMC3891301.
Vaughn S, Wanzek J, Wexler J, Barth A, Cirino PT, Fletcher J, Romain M, Denton CA, Roberts G, Francis D. The relative effects of group size on reading progress of older students with reading difficulties. Read Writ. 2010; 23(8):931-956. PMID: 21072131.
Vaughn S, Cirino PT, Wanzek J, Wexler J, Fletcher JM, Denton CD, Barth A, Romain M, Francis DJ. Response to Intervention for Middle School Students With Reading Difficulties: Effects of a Primary and Secondary Intervention. School Psych Rev. 2010; 39(1):3-21. PMID: 21479079.
Dennis M, Francis DJ, Cirino PT, Schachar R, Barnes MA, Fletcher JM. Why IQ is not a covariate in cognitive studies of neurodevelopmental disorders. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2009 May; 15(3):331-43. PMID: 19402919; PMCID: PMC3075072.
Barth AE, Stuebing KK, Anthony JL, Denton CA, Mathes PG, Fletcher JM, Francis DJ. Agreement among response to intervention criteria for identifying responder status. Learn Individ Differ. 2008 Sep; 18(3):296-307. PMID: 19081758.
Stuebing KK, Barth AE, Cirino PT, Francis DJ, Fletcher JM. A Response to Recent Reanalyses of the National Reading Panel Report: Effects of Systematic Phonics Instruction Are Practically Significant. J Educ Psychol. 2008 Feb 01; 100(1):123-134. PMID: 21258576.
Vaughn S, Fletcher JM, Francis DJ, Denton CA, Wanzek J, Wexler J, Cirino PT, Barth AE, Romain MA. Response to Intervention with Older Students with Reading Difficulties. Learn Individ Differ. 2008; 18(3):338-345. PMID: 19129920.
Anthony JL, Williams JM, McDonald R, Francis DJ. Phonological processing and emergent literacy in younger and older preschool children. Ann Dyslexia. 2007 Dec; 57(2):113-37. PMID: 18058023.
Francis DJ, Santi KL, Barr C, Fletcher JM, Varisco A, Foorman BR. Form effects on the estimation of students' oral reading fluency using DIBELS. J Sch Psychol. 2008 Jun; 46(3):315-42. PMID: 19083362; PMCID: PMC2396583.
Leonard LB, Ellis Weismer S, Miller CA, Francis DJ, Tomblin JB, Kail RV. Speed of processing, working memory, and language impairment in children. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2007 Apr; 50(2):408-28. PMID: 17463238.
Anthony JL, Williams JM, McDonald R, Corbitt-Shindler D, Carlson CD, Francis DJ. Phonological processing and emergent literacy in Spanish-speaking preschool children. Ann Dyslexia. 2006 Dec; 56(2):239-70. PMID: 17849200.
Denton CA, Fletcher JM, Anthony JL, Francis DJ. An evaluation of intensive intervention for students with persistent reading difficulties. J Learn Disabil. 2006 Sep-Oct; 39(5):447-66. PMID: 17004676.
Miller CA, Leonard LB, Kail RV, Zhang X, Tomblin JB, Francis DJ. Response time in 14-year-olds with language impairment. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2006 Aug; 49(4):712-28. PMID: 16908871.
Vaughn S, Linan-Thompson S, Mathes PG, Cirino PT, Carlson CD, Pollard-Durodola SD, Cardenas-Hagan E, Francis DJ. Effectiveness of Spanish intervention for first-grade English language learners at risk for reading difficulties. J Learn Disabil. 2006 Jan-Feb; 39(1):56-73. PMID: 16512083.
Fletcher JM, Denton C, Francis DJ. Validity of alternative approaches for the identification of learning disabilities: operationalizing unexpected underachievement. J Learn Disabil. 2005 Nov-Dec; 38(6):545-52. PMID: 16392697.
Simos PG, Fletcher JM, Sarkari S, Billingsley RL, Francis DJ, Castillo EM, Pataraia E, Denton C, Papanicolaou AC. Early development of neurophysiological processes involved in normal reading and reading disability: a magnetic source imaging study. Neuropsychology. 2005 Nov; 19(6):787-98. PMID: 16351354.
Fletcher JM, Francis DJ, Morris RD, Lyon GR. Evidence-based assessment of learning disabilities in children and adolescents. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2005 Sep; 34(3):506-22. PMID: 16083392.
Dennis M, Edelstein K, Copeland K, Frederick JA, Francis DJ, Hetherington R, Blaser SE, Kramer LA, Drake JM, Brandt ME, Fletcher JM. Space-based inhibition of return in children with spina bifida. Neuropsychology. 2005 Jul; 19(4):456-65. PMID: 16060820.
Fletcher JM, Copeland K, Frederick JA, Blaser SE, Kramer LA, Northrup H, Hannay HJ, Brandt ME, Francis DJ, Villarreal G, Drake JM, Laurent JP, Townsend I, Inwood S, Boudousquie A, Dennis M. Spinal lesion level in spina bifida: a source of neural and cognitive heterogeneity. J Neurosurg. 2005 Apr; 102(3 Suppl):268-79. PMID: 15881750.
Francis DJ, Fletcher JM, Stuebing KK, Lyon GR, Shaywitz BA, Shaywitz SE. Psychometric approaches to the identification of LD: IQ and achievement scores are not sufficient. J Learn Disabil. 2005 Mar-Apr; 38(2):98-108. PMID: 15813593.
Dennis M, Edelstein K, Frederick J, Copeland K, Francis D, Blaser SE, Kramer LA, Drake JM, Brandt M, Hetherington R, Fletcher JM. Peripersonal spatial attention in children with spina bifida: associations between horizontal and vertical line bisection and congenital malformations of the corpus callosum, midbrain, and posterior cortex. Neuropsychologia. 2005; 43(14):2000-10. PMID: 15893777.
Dennis M, Edelstein K, Copeland K, Frederick J, Francis DJ, Hetherington R, Blaser SE, Kramer LA, Drake JM, Brandt ME, Fletcher JM. Covert orienting to exogenous and endogenous cues in children with spina bifida. Neuropsychologia. 2005; 43(6):976-87. PMID: 15716168.
Edelstein K, Dennis M, Copeland K, Frederick J, Francis D, Hetherington R, Brandt ME, Fletcher JM. Motor learning in children with spina bifida: dissociation between performance level and acquisition rate. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2004 Oct; 10(6):877-87. PMID: 15637778.
Papanicolaou AC, Simos PG, Breier JI, Fletcher JM, Foorman BR, Francis D, Castillo EM, Davis RN. Brain mechanisms for reading in children with and without dyslexia: a review of studies of normal development and plasticity. Dev Neuropsychol. 2003; 24(2-3):593-612. PMID: 14561563.
Schatschneider C, Carlson CD, Francis DJ, Foorman BR, Fletcher JM. Relationship of rapid automatized naming and phonological awareness in early reading development: implications for the double-deficit hypothesis. J Learn Disabil. 2002 May-Jun; 35(3):245-56. PMID: 15493321.
Simos PG, Fletcher JM, Foorman BR, Francis DJ, Castillo EM, Davis RN, Fitzgerald M, Mathes PG, Denton C, Papanicolaou AC. Brain activation profiles during the early stages of reading acquisition. J Child Neurol. 2002 Mar; 17(3):159-63. PMID: 12026228.
Dennis M, Fletcher JM, Rogers T, Hetherington R, Francis DJ. Object-based and action-based visual perception in children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2002 Jan; 8(1):95-106. PMID: 11843078.
Simos PG, Castillo EM, Fletcher JM, Francis DJ, Maestu F, Breier JI, Maggio WW, Papanicolaou AC. Mapping of receptive language cortex in bilingual volunteers by using magnetic source imaging. J Neurosurg. 2001 Jul; 95(1):76-81. PMID: 11453401.
Neuhaus G, Foorman BR, Francis DJ, Carlson CD. Measures of information processing in rapid automatized naming (RAN) and their relation to reading. J Exp Child Psychol. 2001 Apr; 78(4):359-73. PMID: 11243694.
Andrews K, Francis DJ, Riese ML. Prenatal cocaine exposure and prematurity: neurodevelopmental growth. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2000 Aug; 21(4):262-70. PMID: 10972249.
Shaywitz SE, Fletcher JM, Holahan JM, Shneider AE, Marchione KE, Stuebing KK, Francis DJ, Pugh KR, Shaywitz BA. Persistence of dyslexia: the Connecticut Longitudinal Study at adolescence. Pediatrics. 1999 Dec; 104(6):1351-9. PMID: 10585988.
Scott MA, Fletcher JM, Brookshire BL, Davidson KC, Landry SH, Bohan TC, Kramer LA, Brandt ME, Francis DJ. Memory functions in children with early hydrocephalus. Neuropsychology. 1998 Oct; 12(4):578-89. PMID: 9805328.
Ewing-Cobbs L, Fletcher JM, Levin HS, Francis DJ, Davidson K, Miner ME. Longitudinal neuropsychological outcome in infants and preschoolers with traumatic brain injury. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 1997 Nov; 3(6):581-91. PMID: 9448371.
Fletcher JM, Landry SH, Bohan TP, Davidson KC, Brookshire BL, Lachar D, Kramer LA, Francis DJ. Effects of intraventricular hemorrhage and hydrocephalus on the long-term neurobehavioral development of preterm very-low-birthweight infants. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1997 Sep; 39(9):596-606. PMID: 9344052.
Jouriles EN, Mehta P, McDonald R, Francis DJ. Psychometric properties of family members' reports of parental physical aggression toward clinic-referred children. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1997 Apr; 65(2):309-18. PMID: 9086695.
Ater JL, Moore BD, Francis DJ, Castillo R, Slopis J, Copeland DR. Correlation of medical and neurosurgical events with neuropsychological status in children at diagnosis of astrocytoma: utilization of a neurological severity score. J Child Neurol. 1996 Nov; 11(6):462-9. PMID: 9120225.
Fletcher JM, Page JB, Francis DJ, Copeland K, Naus MJ, Davis CM, Morris R, Krauskopf D, Satz P. Cognitive correlates of long-term cannabis use in Costa Rican men. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1996 Nov; 53(11):1051-7. PMID: 8911228.
Copeland DR, Moore BD, Francis DJ, Jaffe N, Culbert SJ. Neuropsychologic effects of chemotherapy on children with cancer: a longitudinal study. J Clin Oncol. 1996 Oct; 14(10):2826-35. PMID: 8874345.
Fletcher JM, McCauley SR, Brandt ME, Bohan TP, Kramer LA, Francis DJ, Thorstad K, Brookshire BL. Regional brain tissue composition in children with hydrocephalus. Relationships with cognitive development. Arch Neurol. 1996 Jun; 53(6):549-57. PMID: 8660158.
Fletcher JM, Bohan TP, Brandt ME, Kramer LA, Brookshire BL, Thorstad K, Davidson KC, Francis DJ, McCauley SR, Baumgartner JE. Morphometric evaluation of the hydrocephalic brain: relationships with cognitive development. Childs Nerv Syst. 1996 Apr; 12(4):192-9. PMID: 8739405.
Brandt ME, Bohan TP, Thorstad K, McCauley SR, Davidson KC, Francis DJ, Kramer LA, Fletcher JM. Reliability of brain structure morphometry in hydrocephalic children using MR images. Magn Reson Imaging. 1996; 14(6):649-55. PMID: 8897369.
Brookshire BL, Fletcher JM, Bohan TP, Landry SH, Davidson KC, Francis DJ. Verbal and nonverbal skill discrepancies in children with hydrocephalus: a five-year longitudinal follow-up. J Pediatr Psychol. 1995 Dec; 20(6):785-800. PMID: 8558378.
Novy DM, Nelson DV, Francis DJ, Turk DC. Perspectives of chronic pain: an evaluative comparison of restrictive and comprehensive models. Psychol Bull. 1995 Sep; 118(2):238-47. PMID: 7568572.
Fletcher JM, Brookshire BL, Landry SH, Bohan TP, Davidson KC, Francis DJ, Thompson NM, Miner ME. Behavioral adjustment of children with hydrocephalus: relationships with etiology, neurological, and family status. J Pediatr Psychol. 1995 Feb; 20(1):109-25. PMID: 7891234.
Eyring JD, Johnson DS, Francis DJ. A cross-level units-of-analysis approach to individual differences in skill acquisition. J Appl Psychol. 1993 Oct; 78(5):805-14. PMID: 8253633.
Fletcher JM, Francis DJ, Rourke BP, Shaywitz SE, Shaywitz BA. The validity of discrepancy-based definitions of reading disabilities. J Learn Disabil. 1992 Nov; 25(9):555-61, 573. PMID: 1431539.
Fletcher JM, Bohan TP, Brandt ME, Brookshire BL, Beaver SR, Francis DJ, Davidson KC, Thompson NM, Miner ME. Cerebral white matter and cognition in hydrocephalic children. Arch Neurol. 1992 Aug; 49(8):818-24. PMID: 1524514.
Francis DJ, Fletcher JM, Rourke BP, York MJ. A five-factor model for motor, psychomotor, and visual-spatial tests used in the neuropsychological assessment of children. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 1992 Jul; 14(4):625-37. PMID: 1400922.
Fletcher JM, Francis DJ, Thompson NM, Davidson KC, Miner ME. Verbal and nonverbal skill discrepancies in hydrocephalic children. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 1992 Jul; 14(4):593-609. PMID: 1400921.
Fletcher JM, Francis DJ, Pequegnat W, Raudenbush SW, Bornstein MH, Schmitt F, Brouwers P, Stover E. Neurobehavioral outcomes in diseases of childhood. Individual change models for pediatric human immunodeficiency viruses. Am Psychol. 1991 Dec; 46(12):1267-77. PMID: 1801614.
Dowell RE, Copeland DR, Francis DJ, Fletcher JM, Stovall M. Absence of synergistic effects of CNS treatments on neuropsychologic test performance among children. J Clin Oncol. 1991 Jun; 9(6):1029-36. PMID: 2033416.
Fletcher JM, Morris RD, Francis DJ. Methodological issues in the classification of attention-related disorders. J Learn Disabil. 1991 Feb; 24(2):72-7. PMID: 2010677.
Francis DJ, Fletcher JM, Stuebing KK, Davidson KC, Thompson NM. Analysis of change: modeling individual growth. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1991 Feb; 59(1):27-37. PMID: 2002140.
Fletcher JM, Espy KA, Francis DJ, Davidson KC, Rourke BP, Shaywitz SE. Comparisons of cutoff and regression-based definitions of reading disabilities. J Learn Disabil. 1989 Jun-Jul; 22(6):334-8, 355. PMID: 2738466.
Francis DJ, Fletcher JM, Rourke BP. Discriminant validity of lateral sensorimotor tests in children. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 1988 Dec; 10(6):779-99. PMID: 3235651.
Bordeaux JD, Dowell RE, Copeland DR, Fletcher JM, Francis DJ, van Eys J. A prospective study of neuropsychological sequelae in children with brain tumors. J Child Neurol. 1988 Jan; 3(1):63-8. PMID: 3343496.
Landry SH, Fletcher JM, Zarling CL, Chapieski L, Francis DJ, Denson S. Differential outcomes associated with early medical complications in premature infants. J Pediatr Psychol. 1984 Sep; 9(3):385-401. PMID: 6502403.
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